  • Kopo:e sebelisetsoang lisebelisoa tse fapaneng tsa indasteri

    1.Boholo 26 Welding machine automation welding and welding operator.Turn Rolls 1.Using frequency hopping transmission technology. 2.Sebaka sa phetisetso e se nang lithibelo ke 200 limithara. 3. Boholo 4 liteishene tsa tlhahiso ea analoge 0-10V (sebaka sa ponts'o se ka etsoa ka mokhoa o ikhethileng): tshehetso 2 liteishene tsa tlhahiso e atolositsoeng ea potentiometer ea dijithale; 4. 2 lisebelisoa tsa analoge; mme e hlahiswa ho remote control, sebaka sa pontšo se ka etsoa ka mokhoa o ikhethileng. 5. 1 tlhahiso ea ho emisa ho emisa ka tšohanyetso hangata ho koalehile lebitso.
    • Moralo oa tšebeliso e tlase ea matla
    • Ho bonolo ho e sebelisa
  • Kopo:Haholo-holo e sebelisoang bakeng sa mochini oa sakha oa terata

    1.E ts'ehetsa ts'ebetso ea ho itšeha ka boiketsetso, automatically adjusts cutting speed according to motor current feedback 2.Barrier-free transmission distance is 200 limithara. 3. Tšehetsa mokhanni oa DC. 4. E ts'ehetsa litlhophiso tse ngata tsa ho itšeha, joalo ka ho khaola hona joale, moeli oa lebelo la ho itšeha, jj. 5. E ts'ehetsa ho fetoha lipakeng tsa terata sakha le mekhoa ea blade saw. Mefuta e fapaneng ea ho itšeha e ka beoa ka mekhoa e fapaneng.
    • Moralo oa tšebeliso e tlase ea matla
    • Ho bonolo ho e sebelisa
  • Kopo:Haholo-holo e sebelisoang bakeng sa mochini oa sakha oa terata

    1.E tšehetsa mokhoa oa ho itšeha o itekanetseng, e fetola ka bo eona lebelo la ho tsamaea la enjene e nyane ho latela motlakase o moholo oa hona joale, 'me e finyella taolo ea ho itšeha ka mokhoa o itekanetseng. 2.Sebaka sa phetisetso e se nang lithibelo ke 200 limithara. 3. E ts'ehetsa taolo ea lebelo le habeli bakeng sa li-motor tse kholo le li-motor tse nyane. 4. Ts'ehetsa motlakase o monyane sebakeng. 5. E ts'ehetsa tokiso ea lebili le letšehali le ka ho le letona.
    • Moralo oa tšebeliso e tlase ea matla
    • Ho bonolo ho e sebelisa
  • ATWGP-8/9/10 axis 40m sebaka se se nang mekoallo Ho tsitsisa lets'oao - ATWGP-12 axis
    • 40ATWGP-8/9/10 axis 40m sebaka se se nang mekoallo Ho tsitsisa lets'oao
    • ATWGP-8/9/10 axis 40m sebaka se se nang mekoallo Ho tsitsisa lets'oao、ATWGP-8/9/10 axis 40m sebaka se se nang mekoallo Ho tsitsisa lets'oao
    • Ho bonolo ho e sebelisa
  • Remoutu e tšehetsa ho fihlela ho 32 likonopo tse ikhethileng, e tsamaellanang le liaterese tsa Siemens PLC,e ka hlophisoang ka bolokolohi; 9 Matšoao a boemo ba LED, tšehetsa Siemens PLC aterese, ka bolokolohi programmable;
  • Tšehetsa Siemens PLC: S7-200/-300/-1200

    Ts'ehetsa ponts'o ea nako ea nnete ea sistimi ea Nokia ho hokahanya litekanyetso

    6 likonopo tsa tloaelo li ka laola 6 switjha diphetho

    • Sebaka sa phetiso ea waelese se bulehile 40 metara
    • tshehetso:khouto e le 'ngoe ea 100PPR 、switjha e le 'ngoe ea 6-speed axis khethang ho tsona 、 switjha e le 'ngoe ea 3-speed magnification
  • Sistimi e sebetsang ea Microsoft Windows7 Sistimi ea Ts'ebetso CPU model Intel J1900 Hard disk 64G RAM 4G GPU Integrated LCD Display 15inches Resistive touch screen Port 8xUSB and 1xEthernet Power Supply DC24V/5A

    • Pontšo ea LCD
    • Sistimi e kopaneng
  • Kopo:Haholo-holo e sebelisoang lisebelisoa tsa indasteri, indasteri ea tjheseletsa, indasteri ea ho itšeha, indasteri ea merafo, jj.

    1.E sebelisa maqhubu a phetisetso ea waelese ea 433MHZ, thekenoloji ya sebaka se selelele sa ho tlola ka waelese, sebaka sa phetiso e se nang mekoallo ea 200 limithara 2.Letoto le ts'oanang la ts'ebeliso e ts'ehetsa 32 sete ya remoutu ya waelese e tla sebediswa ka nako e le nngwe, ntle le ho kena-kenana le emong 3. Tšehetsa 14 li-switches tsa pushbutton, e 'ngoe le e' ngoe e ikemetse e laolang tlhahiso ea phetoho ea 14 HA HO lintlha ho moamoheli 4.Ts'ehetso 2 likonopo tse kenang ka ntle tsa konopo, enngwe le enngwe e ka laola 1 sete ya diphetho tsa switching ho moamohedi 5.Moqapi oa matla a tlaase; 2 Libetri tsa AA, tshebediso e tlwaelehileng bakeng sa 1 khoeli 6.Moqapi o sa keneleng metsi ka tekanyo ea IP67
    • Moralo oa tšebeliso e tlase ea matla
    • Ho bonolo ho e sebelisa
  • Kopo:E sebelisoa ka ho khetheha bakeng sa taolo ea waelese ea grinder ea fatše

    1.Ho sebelisa theknoloji ea phetisetso ea maqhubu a hopping le 32 lisebelisoa tsa lisebelisoa li ka sebelisoa ka nako e le 'ngoe sebakeng seo ntle le ho kena-kenana le tse ling. 2.Sebaka sa phetisetso e se nang lithibelo ke 200 limithara. 3. Welding machine automation welding and welding operator.Turn Rolls 1.Using frequency hopping transmission technology 2 analoge ea kanal: 0-10Phallo ea motlakase ea analoge ea V. 4. Ts'ehetsa tlhahiso ea 7-way switching relay, Welding machine automation welding and welding operator.Turn Rolls 1.Using frequency hopping transmission technology: Welding machine automation welding and welding operator.Turn Rolls 1.Using frequency hopping transmission technology. 5. Welding machine automation welding and welding operator.Turn Rolls 1.Using frequency hopping transmission technology 1 tlhahiso ea ho emisa ts'ohanyetso ea mocha, mojaro matla AC 3A/250V kapa DC 5A/30V. 6. Welding machine automation welding and welding operator.Turn Rolls 1.Using frequency hopping transmission technology, bontsha 2 lihlahisoa le 7 ho fetola maemo.
    • Moralo oa tšebeliso e tlase ea matla
    • Ho bonolo ho e sebelisa
  • ATWGP-8/9/10 axis 40m sebaka se se nang mekoallo Ho tsitsisa lets'oao - ATWGP-8/9/10 axis 40m sebaka se se nang mekoallo Ho tsitsisa lets'oao
    • 40ATWGP-8/9/10 axis 40m sebaka se se nang mekoallo Ho tsitsisa lets'oao
    • ATWGP-8/9/10 axis 40m sebaka se se nang mekoallo Ho tsitsisa lets'oao、ATWGP-8/9/10 axis 40m sebaka se se nang mekoallo Ho tsitsisa lets'oao
    • Ho bonolo ho e sebelisa
  • Kopo:Mochini oa ho tjheseletsa o etsa tjheseletsa le opareitara ya welding.Turn Rolls

    1.Welding machine automation welding and welding operator.Turn Rolls 1.Using frequency hopping transmission technology, Welding machine automation welding and welding operator.Turn Rolls 1.Using frequency hopping transmission technology.

    2.Sebakeng se tšoanang sa ho sebetsa,Welding machine automation welding and welding operator.Turn Rolls 1.Using frequency hopping transmission technology.

    3.Welding machine automation welding and welding operator.Turn Rolls 1.Using frequency hopping transmission technology 4 Welding machine automation welding and welding operator.Turn Rolls 1.Using frequency hopping transmission technology, 0-10Welding machine automation welding and welding operator.Turn Rolls 1.Using frequency hopping transmission technology. 4.Welding machine automation welding and welding operator.Turn Rolls 1.Using frequency hopping transmission technology 18 Welding machine automation welding and welding operator.Turn Rolls 1.Using frequency hopping transmission technology, Welding machine automation welding and welding operator.Turn Rolls 1.Using frequency hopping transmission technology: Welding machine automation welding and welding operator.Turn Rolls 1.Using frequency hopping transmission technology 5.Welding machine automation welding and welding operator.Turn Rolls 1.Using frequency hopping transmission technology, Welding machine automation welding and welding operator.Turn Rolls 1.Using frequency hopping transmission technology,Welding machine automation welding and welding operator.Turn Rolls 1.Using frequency hopping transmission technology 18 Welding machine automation welding and welding operator.Turn Rolls 1.Using frequency hopping transmission technology 6.Moralo oa tšebeliso e tlase ea matla ,2Li-betri tsa AA li ka sebelisoa 1 khoeli e tloaelehileng
    • Moralo oa tšebeliso e tlase ea matla
    • Ho bonolo ho e sebelisa
  • Taolo e hole ea CNC ke mofuta oa lisebelisoa tse se nang mohala tse fuoang bahlahisi bakeng sa nts'etsopele ea bobeli le taolo e hole ea sistimi ea CNC ka theknoloji ea taolo e hole ea waelese.; Re fa basebelisi DLL Dynamic Link Library tlas'a tikoloho ea ntlafatso ea Windows, e le hore bahlahisi ba ka sebelisa ts'ebetso ea taolo e hole bakeng sa nts'etsopele ea bobeli, 'me u etse hore e tšoanele tsamaiso ea software ea bahlahisi.

Teknoloji ea Wixhc

Re baetapele indastering ea CNC, e sebetsanang le phetiso ea waelese le CNC Motion Control bakeng sa ho feta 20 lilemo. Re na le mahlale a mangata a patisaneng, mme lihlahisoa tsa rona li rekisa hantle ho feta 40 linaha ho potoloha le lefatše, bokella ts'ebeliso e tloaelehileng ea hoo e batlang e 10000 bareki.

Li-Tweets tsa haufinyane


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