  • Muaj feem xyuam rau Siemens, Mitsubishi, KIV CUA, FAGOR, loog, Taiwan Baoyuan, SYNTEC thiab lwm lub nruab. For large milling machines, CNC lathes, walking machine tools, cutting and other applications, it brings great convenience and improves work efficiency
  • Muaj feem xyuam rau Siemens, Mitsubishi, KIV CUA, FAGOR, loog, Taiwan Baoyuan, SYNTEC thiab lwm lub nruab. Thawj xibfwb: Siv wireless transmission tshuab, Lub lag luam yog yooj yim dua,Lub caij nplooj ntoos hlav hlau sib txuas yog omitted, Lub cable tsis ua hauj lwm tus nqi yog txo, Thiab cov inconveniences xws li cable dragging thiab roj stain yog pov tseg.
  • Muaj feem xyuam rau Siemens, Mitsubishi, KIV CUA, FAGOR, loog, Taiwan Baoyuan, SYNTEC thiab lwm lub nruab.
  • Nta: 1. Lub ntsiab cutting tam sim no yuav muab teev cia 2. Kev tswj tej kev kub ntxhov 3. Automatically ntes tej khoom kom paub tseeb unmanned plaub ntug 4. yooj yim thiab yooj yim rau siv 5. Nrog retracting muaj nuj nqi 6. Tsis muaj kev tiv thaiv me ntsis kev tiv thaiv me ntsis

    • 200M barrier dawb transmission
    • Hwj chim noj tsis haum
    • yooj yim siv
  • Nta: 1. Lub ntsiab cutting tam sim no yuav muab teev cia 2. Kev tswj tej kev kub ntxhov 3. Automatically ntes tej khoom kom paub tseeb unmanned plaub ntug 4. yooj yim thiab yooj yim rau siv 5. Nrog retracting muaj nuj nqi 6. Tsis muaj kev tiv thaiv me ntsis kev tiv thaiv me ntsis

    • 200M barrier dawb transmission
    • Hwj chim noj tsis haum
    • yooj yim siv
  • Khoom kom zoo dua: Industrial grade computer configuration Support VGA interface Support 6 USB ports Pre-installed WIN8 embedded, directly plugging in the power supply does not affect Hard disk memory 32G Input IO port: 24 Tso zis IO chaw nres nkoj: 16 Kev them nyiaj yug ib zaug xwb configuration los yog dual card configuration ntawm yuav

    • MACH3 software
    • Txhawb MAX 6-axis
    • Integrated lawv
    • E-stop button 6 khawm khawm
    • Los tiv thaiv kev cuam tshuam tsim, ruaj khov thiab txhim khu kev qha
    • Wireless nyob deb li cas 40 xov
  • Daim Ntawv Thov Kev Pab:Welding tshuab automation welding thiab welding tus neeg teb xov tooj. Lem Rolls

    1.Siv 433MHZ wireless transmission frequency .ntev wireless frequency hopping tshuab.wireless tswj nyob deb li cas 200m tsis barrier

    2.Tib qhov chaw ua hauj lwm tib yam,it can support 32pcs equipments used at the same time 3.LCD monitor can display present welding current ,voltage and speed 4.Support 4lines 250v/3A relay output.to control contactor achieve motor clock wise/counter-clock wise 5.Support 1lines 0-10v analog voltage output to control VFD speed adjustment 6.1 kab khiav E-stop tso zis 7.Hwj chim noj tsis haum ,2pcs AA roj teeb yuav siv tau 1 hli
    • 200M barrier dawb transmission
    • Hwj chim noj tsis haum
    • yooj yim siv
  • Daim Ntawv Thov Kev Pab:Welding tshuab automation welding thiab welding tus neeg teb xov tooj. Lem Rolls

    1.Siv 433MHZ wireless transmission frequency .ntev wireless frequency hopping tshuab.wireless tswj nyob deb li cas 200m tsis barrier

    2.Tib qhov chaw ua hauj lwm tib yam,it can support 32pcs equipments used at the same time 3.LCD monitor can display present welding current ,voltage and speed 4.Support 4lines 250v/3A relay output.to control contactor achieve motor clock wise/counter-clock wise 5.Support 1lines 0-10v analog voltage output to control VFD speed adjustment 6.1 kab khiav E-stop tso zis 7.Hwj chim noj tsis haum ,2pcs AA roj teeb yuav siv tau 1 hli
    • 200M barrier dawb transmission
    • Hwj chim noj tsis haum
    • yooj yim siv
    • Txuas peb rows ntawm DB15 plugs thiab ob rows ntawm DB15 plugs
    • Los tiv thaiv kev cuam tshuam tsim, ruaj khov thiab txhim khu kev qha
    • Wireless nyob deb li cas 40 xov
    • Txhawb NC studio lawv
    • kev them nyiaj 10 kev lis kev cai tseem khawm
    • Wireless nyob deb li cas 40 xov
  • qauv: WHB04B-4 4 Axis WHB04B-6 6 Axis Application software: MACH3 Application Control card application industry :CNC tej lub tshuab. router CNC. Tswj qhov chaw.Center.mechanical caj npab. Cov khoom siv uas tsim nyog 1.xov tooj cua Frequency: 433MHZ,YOG,TX fais fab 10DB,RX sensitivity-98DB 2.100pulse ib round MPG, kev them nyiaj 10 kev lis kev cai tseem khawm 3.LCD saib xyuas yuav tso saib X/Y/Z/A/B/C/C mechanical thiab workpiece coordinates, kev them nyiaj 3 axis coordinates zaub hauv ib lub sij hawm RF yug 64 channels, Txhua channel kis 1Mhz 4. Kev them nyiaj yug Frequency hoping transmission, Stable and reliable 5.One room can run 64pcs MPG at the same time, and will not affect each other due to frequency hopping function 6.100PPR MPG function, kev ua kom cov qhua tuaj noj mov yuav mus txog 10pcs

    LCD monor nws zaub:Tus nqi speed, Tus nqi txheej txheem rau tus nqi

    • Kev Them Nyiaj Yug MACH3
    • kev them nyiaj 10 kev lis kev cai tseem khawm
    • Wireless nyob deb li cas 40 xov

Wixhc Technology

Peb yog ib tug thawj coj nyob rau hauv kev lag luam CNC, tshwj xeeb rau wireless transmission thiab CNC Tsab Ntawv Thov Sib Ntxiv 20 Xyoos. Peb muaj dozens ntawm patented tshuab, thiab peb cov khoom muag zoo nyob rau ntau tshaj 40 lub teb chaws thoob ntiaj teb, Cov ntaub ntawv uas raug tsim txom ze li ntawm 10000 cov neeg muas zaub.

Tweets tsis ntev los no

ntawv xov xwm

Kos npe kom tau qhov tseeb xov xwm thiab hloov tshiab. Txhob txhawj, Peb yuav tsis xa spam!