ụgbọ ala

Homelọ|ụgbọ ala
  • Nlereanya: MK3-ET 3AXIS MK4-ET 4AXIS MK6-ET 6AXIS Application software: MACH3 Ụlọ ọrụ ngwa njikwa kaadị ngwa :Igwe eji egbutu CNC. CNC router.Machining Center.Mechanical ogwe aka.Automated mmepụta ihe. Njirimara: 1.Na-akwado ụdị Mach3 niile 2.Full nkwado maka USB na-ekpo ọkụ-swappable, kaadị a na-enyocha ọkwa njikọ USB n'oge ọ bụla. 3.Supports MAX 6-axis 4.Maximum step-pulse frequency is 2000KHz 5. Ihe ngosi ọnọdụ LED nwere ike ịba uru iji gosi njikọ USB, na arụ ọrụ stauts site na-egbu maramara. 6.16 ntinye IO+8 mmepụta IO, nkwado spindle nzaghachi ọrụ, nkwado mmepụta ihe dị iche. niile IO-ọdụ ụgbọ mmiri, nnyonye anya, arụ ọrụ kwụsiri ike
    • usoro MACH3
    • Na-akwado MAX 6-axis
    • Oge nkwụsị nke kachasị bụ 2000KHz
  • Ngwa ngwa ngwa: MACH4 Ụlọ ọrụ ngwa njikwa kaadị ngwa :Igwe eji egbutu CNC. CNC router.Machining Center.Mechanical ogwe aka.Automated mmepụta ihe. Njirimara: 1.Na-akwado ụdị Mach4 niile 2.Full nkwado maka USB na-ekpo ọkụ-swappable, kaadị a na-enyocha ọkwa njikọ USB n'oge ọ bụla. 3.Supports MAX 6-axis 4.Maximum step-pulse frequency is 2000KHz 5. Ihe ngosi ọnọdụ LED nwere ike ịba uru iji gosi njikọ USB, na arụ ọrụ stauts site na-egbu maramara. 6.16 ntinye IO+8 mmepụta IO, nkwado spindle nzaghachi ọrụ, nkwado mmepụta ihe dị iche. niile IO-ọdụ ụgbọ mmiri, nnyonye anya, arụ ọrụ kwụsiri ike
    • usoro MACH4
    • Na-akwado MAX 6-axis
    • Oge nkwụsị nke kachasị bụ 2000KHz
  • Ngwa:Igwe ịgbado ọkụ automation ịgbado ọkụ na ịgbado onye ọrụ.Turn Rolls

    1.Jiri ugboro nnyefe ikuku ikuku 433MHZ 2.N'otu ebe ọrụ,ọ nwere ike na-akwado 32pcs equipments eji n'otu oge 3.LCD nyochaa nwere ike igosipụta ugbu a ịgbado ọkụ ugbu a ,voltage and speed 4.Support 4lines 250v/3A relay output.to control contactor achieve motor clock wise/counter-clock wise 5.Support 1lines 0-10v analog voltage output to control VFD speed adjustment 6.1 ahịrị mmepụta mgbama mepere emepe E-stop

    7.Obere ike oriri imewe ,2pcs AA batrị nwere ike iji 1 ọnwa na nkịtị

    • 200M mgbochi free nnyefe
    • Nkwado 4line 250v/3A relay mmepụta
    • Mfe iji
  • Ngwa:Igwe ịgbado ọkụ automation ịgbado ọkụ na ịgbado onye ọrụ.Turn Rolls

    1.Jiri ugboro nnyefe ikuku ikuku 433MHZ 2.N'otu ebe ọrụ,ọ nwere ike na-akwado 32pcs equipments eji n'otu oge 3.LCD nyochaa nwere ike igosipụta ugbu a ịgbado ọkụ ugbu a ,voltage and speed 4.Support 4lines 250v/3A relay output.to control contactor achieve motor clock wise/counter-clock wise 5.Support 1lines 0-10v analog voltage output to control VFD speed adjustment 6.1 ahịrị mmepụta mgbama mepere emepe E-stop

    7.Obere ike oriri imewe ,2pcs AA batrị nwere ike iji 1 ọnwa na nkịtị

    • 200M mgbochi free nnyefe
    • Nkwado 4line 250v/3A relay mmepụta
    • Mfe iji
  • Ngwa:Igwe ịgbado ọkụ automation ịgbado ọkụ na ịgbado onye ọrụ.Turn Rolls

    1.Jiri ugboro nnyefe ikuku ikuku 433MHZ 2.N'otu ebe ọrụ,it can support 32pcs equipments used at the same time 3.Digital tube display present welding current ,voltage and speed 4.Support 4lines 250v/3A relay output.to control contactor achieve motor clock wise/counter-clock wise 5.Support 1lines 0-10v analog voltage output to control VFD speed adjustment 6.1 ahịrị mmepụta mgbama mepere emepe E-stop

    7.Obere ike oriri imewe ,2pcs AA batrị nwere ike iji 1 ọnwa na nkịtị

    • 200M mgbochi free nnyefe
    • Ngosipụta tube dijitalụ
    • Mfe iji
  • 1. Nye faịlụ ọbá akwụkwọ DLL maka Windows 2. Nye mmemme ihe atụ VC maka ngwa igwe igwe eletrọnịkị, gụnyere koodu isi iyi VC 3.USB interface, ịmụta USB1.1 zuru ọsọ nnyefe 4. Mmepe nke abụọ ndị ahịa 5. Nye 128 * 64 ntụpọ matrix LCD ngosi, ndị ahịa nwere ike budata ọdịnaya ngosi site na DLL 6. Na-enye 32 ntinye igodo 7. Nye ntinye aka wheel eletrọnịkị 100PPR 8. Ogologo ọrụ enweghị ihe mgbochi: 40 m 9. Usoro mgbasa ozi ikuku XHC nwere ikike; akpaka ugboro hopping, ike mgbochi nnyonye anya ike 10. Obere ike oriri imewe: 2 Batrị AA, jiri oge mee ihe 30 ụbọchị 11.32 tent nke akụrụngwa, iji otu oge eme ihe anaghị emetụta 12. Nhazi-ọkwa ụlọ ọrụ, uzuzu mkpuchi imewe, kwụsiri ike na ntụkwasị obi.

    • Nye faịlụ ọbá akwụkwọ DLL maka Windows
    • Nye mmemme ihe atụ VC maka ngwa igwe igwe eletrọnịkị, gụnyere koodu isi iyi VC
    • Mmepe nke abụọ
  • CNC wireless mpg Manual Pulse Generator Maka Mitsubishi Ab Phase 25ppr
    • 60m anya na-enweghị mgbochi
    • Nkwụsi ike mgbaama、ike mgbochi nnyonye anya
    • Mfe iji
  • XHC akwụkwọ ikike otu afọ Siemens cnc pendant mpg handwheel: XHC akwụkwọ ikike otu afọ Siemens cnc pendant mpg handwheel,XHC akwụkwọ ikike otu afọ Siemens cnc pendant mpg handwheel,Mpempe aka ikuku ikuku MPG ZWGP,Mpempe aka ikuku ikuku MPG ZWGP,XHC akwụkwọ ikike otu afọ Siemens cnc pendant mpg handwheel,MPG AWGP ikuku XHC maka etiti CNC,XHC akwụkwọ ikike otu afọ Siemens cnc pendant mpg handwheel. MPG AWGP ikuku XHC maka etiti CNC: MPG AWGP ikuku XHC maka etiti CNC: MPG AWGP ikuku XHC maka etiti CNC: MPG AWGP ikuku XHC maka etiti CNC,MPG AWGP ikuku XHC maka etiti CNC, MPG AWGP ikuku XHC maka etiti CNC, Longmen igwe-egwe ọka Igwe ihe osise na igwe igwe Longmen.
    • 40m anya na-enweghị mgbochi
    • Nkwụsi ike mgbaama、ike mgbochi nnyonye anya
    • Mfe iji
  • XHC akwụkwọ ikike otu afọ Siemens cnc pendant mpg handwheel: XHC akwụkwọ ikike otu afọ Siemens cnc pendant mpg handwheel,XHC akwụkwọ ikike otu afọ Siemens cnc pendant mpg handwheel,Mpempe aka ikuku ikuku MPG ZWGP,Mpempe aka ikuku ikuku MPG ZWGP,XHC akwụkwọ ikike otu afọ Siemens cnc pendant mpg handwheel,MPG AWGP ikuku XHC maka etiti CNC,XHC akwụkwọ ikike otu afọ Siemens cnc pendant mpg handwheel. MPG AWGP ikuku XHC maka etiti CNC: MPG AWGP ikuku XHC maka etiti CNC: MPG AWGP ikuku XHC maka etiti CNC: MPG AWGP ikuku XHC maka etiti CNC,MPG AWGP ikuku XHC maka etiti CNC, MPG AWGP ikuku XHC maka etiti CNC, Longmen igwe-egwe ọka Igwe ihe osise na igwe igwe Longmen.
    • 40m anya na-enweghị mgbochi
    • Nkwụsi ike mgbaama、ike mgbochi nnyonye anya
    • Mfe iji
  • Ngwa:Igwe ịgbado ọkụ automation ịgbado ọkụ na ịgbado onye ọrụ.Turn Rolls

    1.Jiri ugboro nnyefe ikuku ikuku 433MHZ

    2.N'otu ebe ọrụ,ọ nwere ike na-akwado 32pcs equipments eji n'otu oge 3.LCD nyochaa nwere ike igosipụta ugbu a ịgbado ọkụ ugbu a ,voltage and speed 4.Support 4lines 250v/3A relay output.to control contactor achieve motor clock wise/counter-clock wise 5.Support 1lines 0-10v analog voltage output to control VFD speed adjustment 6.1 ahịrị mmepụta mgbama mepere emepe E-stop 7.Obere ike oriri imewe ,2pcs AA batrị nwere ike iji 1 ọnwa na nkịtị
    • 200M mgbochi free nnyefe
    • Obere ike oriri imewe
    • Mfe iji
  • Ngwa:Igwe ịgbado ọkụ automation ịgbado ọkụ na ịgbado onye ọrụ.Turn Rolls

    1.Jiri ugboro nnyefe ikuku ikuku 433MHZ

    2.N'otu ebe ọrụ,ọ nwere ike na-akwado 32pcs equipments eji n'otu oge 3.LCD nyochaa nwere ike igosipụta ugbu a ịgbado ọkụ ugbu a ,voltage and speed 4.Support 4lines 250v/3A relay output.to control contactor achieve motor clock wise/counter-clock wise 5.Support 1lines 0-10v analog voltage output to control VFD speed adjustment 6.1 ahịrị mmepụta mgbama mepere emepe E-stop 7.Obere ike oriri imewe ,2pcs AA batrị nwere ike iji 1 ọnwa na nkịtị
    • 200M mgbochi free nnyefe
    • Obere ike oriri imewe
    • Mfe iji
  • Ngwa:Igwe ịgbado ọkụ automation ịgbado ọkụ na ịgbado onye ọrụ.Turn Rolls

    1.Jiri ugboro nnyefe ikuku ikuku 433MHZ

    2.N'otu ebe ọrụ,ọ nwere ike na-akwado 32pcs equipments eji n'otu oge 3.LCD nyochaa nwere ike igosipụta ugbu a ịgbado ọkụ ugbu a ,voltage and speed 4.Support 4lines 250v/3A relay output.to control contactor achieve motor clock wise/counter-clock wise 5.Support 1lines 0-10v analog voltage output to control VFD speed adjustment 6.1 ahịrị mmepụta mgbama mepere emepe E-stop 7.Obere ike oriri imewe ,2pcs AA batrị nwere ike iji 1 ọnwa na nkịtị
    • 200M mgbochi free nnyefe
    • Obere ike oriri imewe
    • Mfe iji

Wixhc Teknụzụ

Anyị bụ onye isi na ụlọ ọrụ CNC, ọkachamara na nnyefe ikuku na njikwa CNC maka ihe karịrị 20 afọ. Anyị nwere ọtụtụ teknụzụ agbasara agbadoro, ngwaahịa anyị na-ere nke ọma n'ihe karịrị 40 mba n’uwa niile, na-agbakọta ngwa ngwa ahụkarị 10000 ndị ahịa.

Tweets na-adịbeghị anya

Akwụkwọ Akụkọ

Debanye aha iji nweta ozi kacha ọhụrụ na mmelite ọhụụ. Echegbula, anyị agaghị eziga spam!