Wixhc corporate culture
Sithembele kumqondo webhizinisi we- “uchwepheshe, okugxile nokunaka”, ukwaba ngokufanele umuntu, izinsizakusebenza zezezimali nezinto ezibonakalayo ukuhlanganisa ngokugcwele nokukhuthaza umdlandla nobuchule bamalungu eqembu, nikeza ukudlala okugcwele ekuhlakanipheni nasemandleni amalungu eqembu ngokweqile, bese ushayela umphumela wesikali wokuphindaphindwa okukhulu kakhulu kwejometri.

“People” — staff style
Wixhc adheres to the people-oriented enterprise spirit, carries out a variety of recreational and sports activities in spare time, provides a stage for employees to show their talents and skills, and fully demonstrates the good mental outlook and comprehensive quality of core combined adults. Continue to build corporate culture, improve team cohesion, enhance employee satisfaction and sense of belonging, and stimulate employees’ enthusiasm and enthusiasm.
“Things” — product quality
Wixhc is mainly engaged in CNC machine tool industry, ukwenza izinkuni, itshe, insimbi, ingilazi neminye imboni yokusebenzisa, and provides products in five fields, including industrial remote controller, i-wireless handwheel kagesi, CNC remote controller, ikhadi lokulawula ukunyakaza, uhlelo oluhlanganisiwe lwe-CNC, njll. Use corporate culture to improve product quality, and strive for perfection in every detail of the product, so as to meet customers’ needs in an all-round way with perfect quality. Imizwa yomdwebi, all for the customer service concept.

“Wealth” — core values
We adhere to the enterprise concept of “uchwepheshe, attentive and dedicated”, gather the core patented technology in the world’s leading edge in wireless transmission and CNC motion control field, through technical exchanges and cooperation with global well-known companies, achieve more benefits for customers in long-term cooperation with us, and help employees to make greater achievements in hard work.
Silwela ukwenza kahle, quality from the professional, professional excellence. CNC industry production and marketing research more than 20 iminyaka, has 20 + patent core technology, has a global integrated marketing network, providing 7 * 24-izinsizakalo zobuchwepheshe behora.Kuze kube manje, inkampani ithole okungaphezulu kwe- 20 amalungelo obunikazi okusungulwa kanye namalungelo obunikazi asetshenziswayo agunyazwe ihhovisi lobunikazi lobunikazi bombuso, futhi amalungelo obunikazi amaningi ayasebenza. Ubuchwepheshe be-patent, ulwazi lomkhakha nezinzuzo zokuhlaziya kuzoqhubeka nokuqinisa imisebenzi yokuhlanganiswa okuyisisekelo emkhakheni we-CNC esibahle kuwo.
We are highly efficient and innovative. Our specialty comes from focus, and there must be innovation in focus. Focus on wireless transmission and motion control field for 20 iminyaka, and the products sell well in more than 40 amazwe emhlabeni jikelele. Focus on product quality and provide customers with perfect service.Wixhc has been focusing on wireless transmission and CNC Motion Control for 15 iminyaka, ukuqongelela izinhlelo ezijwayelekile ezingaphezu kwe- 40 amazwe, Ngaphezu kwe 150 izimboni kanye namashumi ezinkulungwane zamakhasimende emhlabeni. Ikhono lethu lobuchwepheshe lobuchwepheshe kanye no-R onolwazi & Ithimba le-D yisixazululo esifaneleke kakhulu nesiqinisekiso somkhiqizo wezidingo zakho zohlelo lwe-CNC.
We craftsman spirit, concentrate on one thing to the extreme. The core patented technology in the field of converged wireless transmission and CNC motion control is at the forefront of the world. Ngokuhwebelana kwezobuchwepheshe kanye nokubambisana nezinkampani ezaziwayo emhlabeni jikelele, customers can achieve greater value.Wixhc is mainly engaged in CNC machine tool industry, ukwenza izinkuni, itshe, insimbi, ingilazi neminye imboni yokusebenzisa, and provides products in five fields, including industrial remote controller, i-wireless handwheel kagesi, CNC remote controller, ikhadi lokulawula ukunyakaza, uhlelo oluhlanganisiwe lwe-CNC, njll. Ikhwalithi ethembekile, imininingwane ephelele, intengo enengqondo, every detail of the product to strive for perfection.
Wixhc team characteristics
Siyabuhlonipha ubuntu bamalungu eqembu, unamathisele ukubaluleka kwemibono yabo eyehlukene, ukugqugquzela amandla abasebenzi bebhizinisi, futhi sikwazi ngempela ilungu ngalinye ukuthi libambe iqhaza emsebenzini weqembu, yabelana ngobungozi, yabelana ngezintshisekelo, babambisane, nokufeza izinjongo zomsebenzi weqembu.
people oriented
Honesty first
Harmony and unity
Mutual appreciation
Communicate with heart
risk pooling
Benefit sharing
Core value
Clear objectives
Unity and struggle