1.支持自动切割模式, 根据大电机电流自动调节小电机行走速度, 并实现自动切割控制.
2.无障碍传输距离为 200 米.
3. 支持大电机和小电机双调速.
4. 支持小电机原地转动.
5. 支持左右轮小电机线性校正.
- 低功耗设计
- 易于使用
1.支持自动切割模式, 根据大电机电流自动调节小电机行走速度, 并实现自动切割控制.
2.无障碍传输距离为 200 米.
3. 支持大电机和小电机双调速.
4. 支持小电机原地转动.
5. 支持左右轮小电机线性校正.
模型: DH12S-LD
笔记: 您可以选择三种天线之一. 默认标配吸盘天线.
小电机转速: S2: 0-50
自动切割最大电流: 我知道了: 0-35 (参数可调)
线性修正值: df: -99-99 (1 单位约为0.02V)
低电压: 遥控器电池电量过低, 请更换电池.
网络掉线: 无线信号中断. 请检查接收器功率, 再次打开电源, 并重新启动遥控器.
当电源开启时, 接收器上的 RF-LED 灯开始闪烁;在三个接收器和遥控器中安装两节 AA 电池, 打开电源开关, 显示屏将显示电机速度, 表示启动成功.
关闭 “前进/后退” switch to forward, the receiver’s large motor will turn on, and the display will show forward
关闭 “前进/后退” switch to reverse, the large motor of the receiver will turn on in reverse, and the display will show reverse
Rotate the “large motor speed adjustment” knob to adjust the receiver’s large motor speed adjustment output voltage 0-10V;
3.Small motor and speed regulation
Move the “前进/后退” switch to forward, the left wheel forward and right wheel forward of the receiver are turned on, and the display shows forward
关闭 “Forward/Reverse” switch to reverse, the left wheel reverse and right wheel reverse of the receiver are turned on, and the display shows reverse
4.Turn left and right
关闭 “Left/Right” switch to left, the receiver’s right wheel will forward and turn on,and the display will show left
关闭 “turn left/right” switch to turn right, the left wheel of the receiver will forward and turn on, and the display will show turn right
5.Turn in place
In manual mode:
Turn left in place: Press and hold the “Enable” button, turn the “Left/Right Turn” switch to left, 接收器左轮向后、右轮向前打开,并开始原地左转;
原地右转: Press and hold the “Enable” button, turn the “Left/Right Turn” 切换到右侧, 接收器左轮前进、右轮后退开启, 接收器开始原地右转;
自动模式下: 按住 “Enable” 按钮并旋转 “小电机调速” 调节自动切割时小电机的最高转速;
第一步启动大电机; 第二步,将模式开关切换至 “汽车”; 第三步启动小电机,屏幕显示 “切割自动”,表示已进入自动切割模式;
8. 直线校正
左右行走电机前进后退时, 左右速度不一致, 并且直线行走有偏差. 可以使用遥控器的线性校正功能微调左右轮的速度;
纠偏原理: 通过校正功能, 左轮的速度被微调以达到与右轮相同的速度, 从而使左右轮速度同步,消除偏差;
纠偏操作方法: In manual mode, 按住 “Enable” 按钮并旋转 “小电机调速”;
修正范围: Correction value -90 到 90; correction voltage of one correction unit is about 0.02V;
9. Parameter menu (users are prohibited from modifying it without permission)
遥控器部分功能可通过参数调节. In manual mode, when the small motor speed S2 is 10, push the forward/reverse switch up three times in a row, and then push it down three times in a row to enter the parameter menu;
退出参数菜单: 选择保存或不保存, then press the enable button to confirm the exit;
Maximum current: 切割电机的额定工作电流为 80% 此电流的;
速度控制参数: 自动切割控制参数, 默认 800, 禁止修改;
加减速参数: 自动切割控制参数. 当切削电流变化值超过此值时,减速开始.
加速度a1: 自动切割控制参数, 当切割电流低于设定切割电流时, 加速度;
减速度a2: 自动切割控制参数, 当切割电流高于设定值时
切割电流, 减速度;
Automatic knife retraction: invalid;
Start self-locking: 0, no self-locking; 1, self-locking. Press the enable key + forward and reverse to take effect and self-lock.
Maximum walking: the maximum speed of the small motor.
Cutting current: set the maximum current of the main motor for automatic cutting. If the feedback current exceeds this value, it will start to decelerate.
Default speed limit: the default maximum speed of automatic cutting speed when turning on the machine.
Automatic mode: 0, the automatic switch is automatically controlled; 1, 自动开关控制自动IO输出点.
限速偏移: 自动切割时小电机最高转速.
最大主机数: 大型电机最高转速.