關於在市場上假冒我們的產品的聲明Wixhc客戶: 感謝您對Wixhc產品的長期支持. 最近, 市場出現假冒我公司產品並在多家商店銷售. 該公司WHB03-L和WHB04-L已於6月全面停產 2018 and replaced by
關於在市場上假冒我們的產品的聲明Wixhc客戶: 感謝您對Wixhc產品的長期支持. 最近, 市場出現假冒我公司產品並在多家商店銷售. 該公司WHB03-L和WHB04-L已於6月全面停產 2018 and replaced by
關於新WHB04B-4的通知 / -6 取代舊的WHB04-L尊敬的客戶: 感謝您長期以來對Wixhc技術的大力支持, 因為芯片供應商停產, 老款MACH3無線電子手輪WHB04-L已停產. 將被新的MACH3無線電子手輪WHB04B-4取代 / -6,
關於MKX-IV運動控制卡繼續銷售的通知尊敬的客戶: 首先, thank you for your strong support to our company for a long time. In order to provide customers with the most satisfied and high-quality products, the company decided to continue to produce and sell fourth-generation
2016 第十八屆東莞國際模具金屬加工, 紙通訊展覽公司主辦的塑料包裝展覽會, 2016 廣東國際機器人及智慧裝備博覽會, 18第五屆DMP東莞國際模具展, 金屬加工, 塑膠及包裝展, 11月29日-12月 2, 2016 in Houjie, 東莞, China Guangdong Modern International Exhibition Center
作者,我不以為然. 成為最大的箭妝. 茉莉花投資, 化妝收到煤氣足球, 直徑鍋, a sollicitudin sapien mi at justo. Nunc pretium, nisl quis ullamcorper laoreet, dui dolor imperdiet magna, ac commodo turpis neque et est. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed ultrices eros sit amet augue vestibulum.
Passion with passion and walk with love-2020 Wixhc Annual Meeting On January 4-5, 2020, Wixhc's 2019 年終工作總結會議及 2020 Orientation Party were grandly held in the ancient town of Tai'an, Qingchengshan. 聚焦年會主題“激情,用愛付出”, 這