

What are the characteristics of the wireless remote controller with core synthesis technology?

1. Adopt 433MHz ISM frequency band for wireless data transmission. 2. Automatic frequency hopping like Bluetooth ensures the stability and reliability of data transmission. 3. GFSK code. Compared with the infrared remote control, the remote control has a long distance, no direction and strong penetration ability! Low bit error rate, safe and reliable. 4. 這

By |2019-12-09T16。:06:31+08:00February 28th, 2016||Comments Off on What are the characteristics of the wireless remote controller with core synthesis technology?

What are the advantages of wixhc wireless remote control?

Why wixhc core synthesis wireless remote controller? Or what are the benefits of using a wixhc wireless remote control? 1. It can take a wired hand wheel to move and test the machine manually. 2. It has a real-time LCD display, from which you can know the current processing status and coordinate position. 3. It

By |2019-12-09T16。:23:40+08:00February 28th, 2016||Comments Off on What are the advantages of wixhc wireless remote control?

Wireless remote control uses wireless connection, will there be instability?

There will be no instability; the interference of wireless connection will not cause the machine to continue to move, and will not cause abnormal operation of the machine. Machine tools are originally industrial processing and high-precision products. When we change wired handwheel to wireless transmission mode, our engineers have considered the instability and reliability of

By |2019-12-09T17:01:21+08:00February 27th, 2016||Comments Off on Wireless remote control uses wireless connection, will there be instability?


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