強R & D團隊同豐富嘅R團隊 & D體驗 – wixhc core synthesis technology has a strong R & D團隊。. All members of the team have doctorates and master’s degrees, 並積累咗豐富嘅研發成果 & D and design experience in wireless transmission, CNC Motion Control and other fields. 完善嘅售後服務和技術支持團隊 – professional technical engineers receive customer phone and other feedback and timely reply to customers or rush to the customer site to implement solutions for customers.

我哋尊重團隊成員嘅個性, 重視他們的不同想法, 激發企業員工潛能, 真正畀每個成員都參與到團隊合作中嚟, 分擔風險, 股本權益, 相互合作, 並實現團隊合作目標. 我哋依靠嘅企業理念 “專業。, 專注同細心”, 合理分配人力, 財力和物力資源,充分調動和激發團隊成員嘅積極性和創造性, 把團隊成員嘅智慧同力量發揮到極致, 並驅動最大幾何乘法嘅規模效應.