

What are the aspects of after-sales service?

After sales service includes 15 days of unconditional replacement service for quality problems, 12 months of free maintenance service within the warranty period, consulting service for company product purchase, customer service call center attentive service and technical consulting service.

דורך |2019-12-09ט 16:20:46+08:00February 28th, 2016||Comments Off אויף What are the aspects of after-sales service?

What should I do beyond the warranty period?

In case of quality problems, it is not within the scope of warranty; however, paid maintenance can be carried out: 1. Unable to show the valid warranty card of our company. 2. Failure caused by human factors and product damage. 3. Damage caused by self disassembly, repair and modification of products. 4. Beyond the valid

דורך |2019-12-09ט 16:43:26+08:00February 28th, 2016||Comments Off אויף What should I do beyond the warranty period?

Can the maintenance be completed within the specified time?

Sorry, because the after-sales service process is for all regions of the world, and there are more process flow and inspection and test links for maintenance. In general, we promise that the maintenance parts will be completed within 3 working days from the day of the after-sales service department. Thank you for your understanding. If

דורך |2019-12-09ט 16:55:26+08:00February 28th, 2016||Comments Off אויף Can the maintenance be completed within the specified time?

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מיר זענען אַ פירער אין קנק אינדוסטריע, ספּעשאַלייזינג אין וויירליס טראַנסמיסיע און קנק מאָטיאָן קאָנטראָל פֿאַר מער ווי 20 יאָרן. מיר האָבן דאַזאַנז פון פּאַטאַנטאַד טעקנאַלאַדזשיז, און אונדזער פּראָדוקטן פאַרקויפן געזונט אין מער ווי 40 לענדער אַרום די וועלט, אַקיומיאַלייטינג טיפּיש אַפּלאַקיישאַנז פון קימאַט 10000 קאַסטאַמערז.

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צייכן אַרויף צו באַקומען די לעצטע נייַעס און דערהייַנטיקן אינפֿאָרמאַציע. צי ניט זאָרג, מיר וועלן נישט שיקן ספּאַם!