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Sanoat masofadan boshqarish pulti
The industrial remote controller can operate correctly in all kinds of bad environments. It uses the radio transmission to control the industrial machinery remotely and control the operation of the industrial machinery.

Simsiz elektron qo'l g'ildiragi
Also known as hand pulse generator, it is used for zero correction and signal segmentation of CNC machine tools, industrial machinery, va boshqalar., and generates signals corresponding to hand wheel movement through encoder.

CNC masofadan boshqarish pulti
Also known as programmable remote control, users can realize wireless remote control of industrial machinery equipment through programming, mainly used in metallurgy, shipbuilding, wharf, machinery manufacturing, chemical industry, paper making, construction, va boshqalar.

Harakatni boshqarish kartasi
Motion control card is a kind of upper control unit based on PC and industrial PC, which is used in various motion control occasions (including displacement, speed, acceleration, va boshqalar.).

Integratsiyalashgan CNC tizimi
A control system that integrates all CNC system components (digital controller, programmable controller, human-machine interface) into an integrated operation panel installation form.

Other products
According to customers’ individual needs, we can provide products and solutions around the CNC industry, such as: wireless tool setter, CNC machine tool, switching power supply, va boshqalar.

Ba'zi mijozlarimiz
So'nggi yangiliklar
Og'ir! XHC Technology (wixhc) and US ArtSoft (Mach3) reached a strategic cooperation! Every step is to establish a new level of core synthesis technology (wixhc), and ushered in an important moment in history. XHC Technology (wixhc) and American ArtSoft (Mach3) have joined forces to become a strategic partner of CNC systems. This cooperation promotes the further improvement of overall operational efficiency and greater business value.
Xush habar! Chengdu Wixhc milliy patent ruxsatini qo'lga kiritdi!
Chengdu Wixhc sanoat sohasida intellektning yuqori nuqtasi uchun raqobatlashing.
CNC markazi uchun XHC simsiz MPG AWGP, CNC markazi uchun XHC simsiz MPG AWGP. CNC markazi uchun XHC simsiz MPG AWGP
In 2022, yangi yil boshida,Wixhc, shuningdek, uy qurish quvonchiga sabab bo'ldi.Kompaniya ofisi
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