Wixhc corporate culture
We rely on the enterprise concept of “professional, focused and attentive”, reasonably allocate human, financial and material resources to fully mobilize and stimulate the enthusiasm and creativity of team members, give full play to the wisdom and strength of team members to the extreme, and drive the scale effect of the largest geometric multiplication.

“People” — staff style
Wixhc adheres to the people-oriented enterprise spirit, carries out a variety of recreational and sports activities in spare time, provides a stage for employees to show their talents and skills, and fully demonstrates the good mental outlook and comprehensive quality of core combined adults. Continue to build corporate culture, improve team cohesion, enhance employee satisfaction and sense of belonging, and stimulate employees’ enthusiasm and enthusiasm.
“Things” — product quality
Wixhc is mainly engaged in CNC machine tool industry, yog'ochni qayta ishlash, tosh, metall, shisha va boshqa qayta ishlash tarmoqlari, and provides products in five fields, including industrial remote controller, simsiz elektron qo'l, CNC remote controller, harakatni boshqarish kartasi, o'rnatilgan CNC tizimi, va boshqalar. Use corporate culture to improve product quality, and strive for perfection in every detail of the product, so as to meet customers’ needs in an all-round way with perfect quality. Hunarmandning his-tuyg'ulari, all for the customer service concept.

“Wealth” — core values
We adhere to the enterprise concept of “professional, attentive and dedicated”, gather the core patented technology in the world’s leading edge in wireless transmission and CNC motion control field, through technical exchanges and cooperation with global well-known companies, achieve more benefits for customers in long-term cooperation with us, and help employees to make greater achievements in hard work.
Biz mukammallikka intilamiz, quality from the professional, professional excellence. CNC industry production and marketing research more than 20 yillar, has 20 + patent core technology, has a global integrated marketing network, providing 7 * 24-soatlik professional xizmatlar.Hozirgacha, dan ko'proq foyda oldi 20 ixtiro patentlari va intellektual mulk davlat patent idorasi tomonidan ruxsat etilgan foydali patentlar, va bir nechta patentlar talab qilinmoqda. Patent texnologiyasi, sanoat bilimlari va tahlil afzalliklari biz yaxshi biladigan CNC sohasidagi asosiy sintez faoliyatini yanada kuchaytiradi..
We are highly efficient and innovative. Our specialty comes from focus, and there must be innovation in focus. Focus on wireless transmission and motion control field for 20 yillar, and the products sell well in more than 40 dunyo mamlakatlari. Focus on product quality and provide customers with perfect service.Wixhc has been focusing on wireless transmission and CNC Motion Control for 15 yillar, dan ortiq tipik ilovalarni to'plash 40 mamlakatlar, Bundan ko'proq 150 sanoat va dunyodagi o'n minglab mijozlar. Bizning professional texnik qobiliyatimiz va tajribali R & D jamoasi sizning CNC tizim talablaringiz uchun eng mos yechim va mahsulot kafolatidir.
We craftsman spirit, concentrate on one thing to the extreme. The core patented technology in the field of converged wireless transmission and CNC motion control is at the forefront of the world. Dunyo bo'ylab taniqli kompaniyalar bilan texnik almashinuv va hamkorlik orqali, customers can achieve greater value.Wixhc is mainly engaged in CNC machine tool industry, yog'ochni qayta ishlash, tosh, metall, shisha va boshqa qayta ishlash tarmoqlari, and provides products in five fields, including industrial remote controller, simsiz elektron qo'l, CNC remote controller, harakatni boshqarish kartasi, o'rnatilgan CNC tizimi, va boshqalar. Ishonchli sifat, to'liq spetsifikatsiyalar, o'rtacha narx, every detail of the product to strive for perfection.
Wixhc team characteristics
Biz jamoa a'zolarining shaxsiyatini hurmat qilamiz, ularning turli g'oyalariga ahamiyat bering, korxona xodimlarining salohiyatini rag'batlantirish, va har bir a'zoga jamoa ishida ishtirok etishiga imkon bering, risklarni baham ko'rish, manfaatlarni baham ko'rish, bir-biringiz bilan hamkorlik qiling, and achieve team work goals.
people oriented
Honesty first
Harmony and unity
Mutual appreciation
Communicate with heart
risk pooling
Benefit sharing
Core value
Clear objectives
Unity and struggle