Wixhc is a modern high-tech enterprise integrating R & D, ishlab chiqarish va sotish, focusing on wireless data transmission and CNC Motion Control for more than 20 yillar. It is committed to industrial remote control, simsiz elektron qo'l, CNC masofadan boshqarish pulti, harakatni boshqarish kartasi, o'rnatilgan CNC tizimi va boshqa sohalar.

We provide our customers with products, solutions and services with core technology competitiveness, arzon, yuqori ishlash, safety and reliability in the CNC machine tool industry, yog'ochni qayta ishlash, tosh, metall, shisha va boshqa qayta ishlash tarmoqlari, ekologik hamkorlar bilan ochiq hamkorlik, continue to create value for customers, release wireless potential, enrich group construction life, and stimulate organizational innovation.