Faanahoraa ohipa o te Microsoft Windows10
Faanahoraa no te mau hi'opo'araa
Mach3 CNC software
CPU model Intel Z3735F
Hard disk 8G + 20G SSD
Memory 2G
Graphics integrated graphics
The display is 10.0 inches
Tapa'o no te haaparareraa mana'o 3 TA'Î 2.0 mau pû, one Ethernet port
Input device keyboard + a tape'a i te mau mouse + Te mau tahua nota ING
Power supply three plug type, 220V
Fourth, the packaging instructions
Mach3 one machine
1 faatanoraa
Mach3 one machine manual 1 this
Power cord 1 tumu
a faaô mai i te rorouira e te matini roro uira3 ana'e
- Faanahoraa roro uira MACH3
- Turu i te numera 6-tu'a-raa
- Faanahoraa i roto i te ohipa