అస్థిరత ఉండదు; వైర్‌లెస్ కనెక్షన్ యొక్క జోక్యం యంత్రం కదలకుండా ఉండటానికి కారణం కాదు, and will not cause abnormal operation of the machine. Machine tools are originally industrial processing and high-precision products. When we change wired handwheel to wireless transmission mode, our engineers have considered the instability and reliability of wireless existence. Through our patented intelligent wireless transmission agreement, we have ensured stable and reliable wireless transmission, and ensured that data will not be lost, even if data is lost It will not cause the wrong action of the machine tool, or even continue to run.

Our wireless transmission ensures the stability and reliability of data transmission, so that the data will not be lost within the normal communication distance. How does this work?
1. Data retransmission ensures the stability and reliability of data.
2. Frequency hopping can effectively avoid interference and ensure the stability and reliability of data.