Wixhc corporate culture
Kami ngandelkeun konsép perusahaan tina “ahli, fokus sareng perhatosan”, munasabah alokasi manusa, sumberdaya kauangan sareng matérial pikeun pinuh mobilisasi sareng ngarangsang sumanget sareng kreativitas anggota tim, masihan pinuh pikeun hikmah sareng kakuatan anggota tim dugi ka ekstrim, sareng ngajalankeun pangaruh skala tina perkalian géométri panggedéna.
“People” — staff style
Wixhc adheres to the people-oriented enterprise spirit, carries out a variety of recreational and sports activities in spare time, provides a stage for employees to show their talents and skills, and fully demonstrates the good mental outlook and comprehensive quality of core combined adults. Continue to build corporate culture, improve team cohesion, enhance employee satisfaction and sense of belonging, and stimulate employees’ enthusiasm and enthusiasm.
“Things” — product quality
Wixhc is mainly engaged in CNC machine tool industry, pagawean di kayu, batu, logam, gelas sareng industri pamrosésan sanés, and provides products in five fields, including industrial remote controller, handwheel éléktronik nirkabel, CNC remote controller, gerak kadali gerak, sistem CNC terpadu, jsb. Use corporate culture to improve product quality, and strive for perfection in every detail of the product, so as to meet customers’ needs in an all-round way with perfect quality. Parasaan tukang, all for the customer service concept.
“Wealth” — core values
We adhere to the enterprise concept of “ahli, attentive and dedicated”, gather the core patented technology in the world’s leading edge in wireless transmission and CNC motion control field, through technical exchanges and cooperation with global well-known companies, achieve more benefits for customers in long-term cooperation with us, and help employees to make greater achievements in hard work.
Urang narékahan pikeun kaunggulan, quality from the professional, professional excellence. CNC industry production and marketing research more than 20 taun, has 20 + patent core technology, has a global integrated marketing network, providing 7 * 24-jasa profésional jam.Dugi ka ayeuna, parusahaan parantos kéngingkeun langkung ti 20 patén penemuan sareng patén utiliti anu diidinan ku kantor intelektual patén nagara, sareng sababaraha patén-patén dina aplikasi. Téknologi patén, élmu industri sareng kaunggulan analisis bakal langkung nguatkeun kagiatan sintésis inti dina bidang CNC anu urang saé.
We are highly efficient and innovative. Our specialty comes from focus, and there must be innovation in focus. Focus on wireless transmission and motion control field for 20 taun, and the products sell well in more than 40 nagara di sakumna dunya. Focus on product quality and provide customers with perfect service.Wixhc has been focusing on wireless transmission and CNC Motion Control for 15 taun, akumulasi aplikasi has langkung ti 40 nagara, langkung ti 150 industri sareng puluhan rébu konsumén di dunya. Kamampuh téknis propésional urang sareng berpengalaman Sunda & Tim D mangrupikeun solusi anu paling cocog sareng jaminan produk pikeun syarat sistem CNC anjeun.
We craftsman spirit, concentrate on one thing to the extreme. The core patented technology in the field of converged wireless transmission and CNC motion control is at the forefront of the world. Ngaliwatan séntral teknis jeung gawé babarengan jeung pausahaan well-dipikawanoh di sakuliah dunya, customers can achieve greater value.Wixhc is mainly engaged in CNC machine tool industry, pagawean di kayu, batu, logam, gelas sareng industri pamrosésan sanés, and provides products in five fields, including industrial remote controller, handwheel éléktronik nirkabel, CNC remote controller, gerak kadali gerak, sistem CNC terpadu, jsb. Kualitas dipercaya, spésifikasi lengkep, harga lumrah, every detail of the product to strive for perfection.
Wixhc team characteristics
Kami ngahargaan kapribadian anggota tim, ngagantelkeun penting pikeun ideu anu béda-béda, ngarangsang potensi karyawan perusahaan, sareng leres-leres ngaktipkeun unggal anggota pikeun ilubiung dina kerja tim, ngabagi résiko, bagikeun kapentingan, gotong royong, sareng ngahontal tujuan kerja tim.
people oriented
Honesty first
Harmony and unity
Mutual appreciation
Communicate with heart
risk pooling
Benefit sharing
Core value
Clear objectives
Unity and struggle