Company profile
Wixhc company is a modern high-tech enterprise integrating R & D, produksi sareng penjualan, fokus kana pangiriman data nirkabel sareng Kontrol Motion CNC langkung ti 20 taun, and is committed to industrial remote control, handwheel éléktronik nirkabel, Kadali jauh CNC, gerak kadali gerak, sistem CNC terpadu sareng widang anu sanés. Kami nyayogikeun palanggan sareng produk, solusi sareng jasa kalayan daya saing téknologi inti, biaya murah, kinerja tinggi, kaamanan sareng reliabilitas dina industri alat mesin CNC, pagawean di kayu, batu, logam, gelas sareng industri pamrosésan sanés, kerjasama terbuka sareng mitra ékologis, teraskeun nyiptakeun nilai pikeun konsumén, ngaleupaskeun poténsial nirkabel, ngabeungharkeun kahirupan pangwangunan kelompok, sareng ngarangsang inovasi organisasi.
Products and services
Customer focus – customer service is the cornerstone of core composite business, and customer demand is our source power. We adhere to customer-centric, rapid response to customer needs, and continue to create long-term value for customers and achieve customers. To provide effective service for customers is the direction of our work and the yardstick of value evaluation. To achieve customers is to achieve ourselves. Market oriented – where there is CNC motion control, there are services and products of wixhc core synthesis technology. Guided by the market, we have accumulated the typical applications of more than 40 nagara, langkung ti 150 industri sareng puluhan rébu nasabah di sakumna dunya. We provide products, solusi sareng jasa kalayan daya saing téknologi inti, biaya murah, kinerja tinggi, safety and reliability, kerjasama terbuka sareng mitra ékologis, sarta terus nyieun nilai pikeun konsumén.