Arsip Bulanan: Juli 2018


Statement on counterfeiting our products on the market

Statement on counterfeiting our products on the market To Wixhc customers: Thank you for your long-term support for Synthesizer products. Cikeneh, counterfeit products of our company appeared on the market and were sold in multiple stores. The company's WHB03-L and WHB04-L have been completely discontinued in June 2018 and replaced

Ku |2020-01-08T16:11:24+08:00July 13th, 2018|Warta|Koméntar Pareum asup Statement on counterfeiting our products on the market

Statement on counterfeiting our products on the market

Statement on counterfeiting our products on the market Wixhc customers: Thank you for your long-term support for Wixhc products. Cikeneh, counterfeit products of our company appeared on the market and were sold in multiple stores. The company's WHB03-L and WHB04-L have been completely discontinued in June 2018 and replaced by

Ku |2020-01-08T16:07:40+08:00July 13th, 2018|Warta|Koméntar Pareum asup Statement on counterfeiting our products on the market

Téhnologi Wixhc

Kami pamimpin dina industri CNC, ngahususkeun dina transmisi nirkabel sareng Kontrol Motion CNC langkung ti 20 taun. Kami gaduh puluhan téknologi anu dipaténkeun, jeung produk kami ngajual ogé dina leuwih ti 40 nagara di sakumna dunya, akumulasi aplikasi has ampir 10000 konsumén.

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