Kontoroolka fogaanta wireless ee warshadaha DH01R-4W-26K

Guriga|kontoroolka fogaanta warshadaha|Kontoroolka fogaanta wireless ee warshadaha DH01R-4W-26K

Kontoroolka fogaanta wireless ee warshadaha DH01R-4W-26K

Codsiga:loo isticmaalo qalabka warshadaha kala duwan

1.Ugu badnaan 26 alxanka mashiinka alxanka automation alxanka iyo operator alxanka.Turn Rolls 1.Isticmaalka soo noqnoqda hopping technology gudbinta.

2.Fogaanta gudbinta ee bilaa caqabada ah waa 200 mitir.

3. Ugu badnaan 4 Kanaalka wax soo saarka 0-10V (baaxadda bandhiga waa la beddeli karaa): taageero 2 kanaalada wax soo saarka potentiometer dhijitaalka ah ee go'doonsan;

4. 2 gelinta analogga; oo lagu soo bandhigay kontoroolka fogaanta, baaxadda bandhiga waa la beddeli karaa.

5. 1 Soo saarista gudbinta joogsiga degdega ah ayaa caadi ahaan xidhan.

  • Naqshadeynta isticmaalka tamarta yar
  • Si fudud loo isticmaalo


1.Qaabka badeecada


Qaabka: DH01R-4W-26K

Qalabka lagu dabaqi karo:qalabka warshadaha kala duwan

2.jaantuska agabka alaabta

Ogow: Waxaad dooran kartaa mid ka mid ah saddexda anteeno. Anteenada koobka nuugista waa heer caadi ahaan.

3.Sharaxaad model alaabta

① DH01R taxane, haddii daba-galku ka kooban yahay T, waxay la macno tahay soo saarista joojinta degdega ah;la'aanteed T, it means without emergency stop output.

②If there is no analog output, there is no need to remark 0W or 0R; the analogquantities W1, W2, W3, and W4 default to 0-10V analog voltage output; at the same time, W1 and W2 can be expanded to 2 isolated digital potentiometer outputs, with a range of 0 -5K ohms, ½ watt; resolution: 20 ohms. The two digital potentials can be used to control the welding current and welding voltage of the welding machine. If the digital potentiometer output is required, user notes are required.

④Analog input, ranging from 1 to 2, indicating that there are 1 to 2 gelinta analogga(maximum 2 kanaalada); when there is an analog input, you need to note the voltage range of the analog input (our receiver defaults to 0 -5Kiiboodhka MPG-ga kontoroolka Awood-siinta saddex fur, the user can also note as 4-20 mA or 0-10V, iwm.) and the corresponding display range of the analog quantity (for example: display 0-100 volts or 0-1000 amps)

These two analog quantities can be used as displays for welding current and welding voltage.


1)Maximum 26 alxanka mashiinka alxanka automation alxanka iyo operator alxanka.Turn Rolls 1.Isticmaalka soo noqnoqda hopping technology gudbinta;
2)Maximum 4 Kanaalka wax soo saarka 0-10V (baaxadda bandhiga waa la beddeli karaa): taageero 2 kanaalada wax soo saarka potentiometer dhijitaalka ah ee go'doonsan;
3)2 analog inputs; oo lagu soo bandhigay kontoroolka fogaanta, baaxadda bandhiga waa la beddeli karaa
4)1 channels of emergency stop relay output normally closed contacts;
5) Powered by 3 baytariyada AA, low power consumption design;
6) Wireless operation distance is 200 mitir;
7)Protection grade IP67;
8)With cross switch operation, supports two 4-direction cross switches;
9)Back strap design.

5.Remote control switch description

6.Display content introduction

W1 knob value: W1: 0-1000 (parameter adjustable 0-9999)
W2 knob value: W2: 0-5000 (parameter adjustable 0-9999)
W3 knob value: W3: 0-5000 (parameter adjustable 0-9999)
W4 knob value: W4: 0-5000 (parameter adjustable 0-9999)
ADC1 feedback display: 0-1000 (parameter adjustable 0-5000)
ADC2 feedback display: 0-1000 (parameter adjustable 0-5000)

Low voltage: The remote control battery is too low, please replace the battery.

Network dropped: The wireless signal is interrupted. Please check the power of the receiver, power it on again, and restart the remote control.

7.Remote control function operation instructions

1) Turn on the remote control
When the receiver is powered on, the receiver working indicator flashes; install two AA batteries in the remote control, turn on the power switch, and the display shows a value,indicating successful startup. The receiver working indicator light becomes solid.
2)Switch and button functions
Any operation of the twist switch and button on the remote control can control the corresponding switch signal output point on the receiver. All switch signal output points on the receiver are normally open signals by default;
3)W1-W4 speed adjustment
U rog burobooyinka gudaha W1-W4 si sabab la'aan ah si aad ugu shaqeyso calaamadda soosaarka analoogga ee u dhiganta ama calaamadda potentiometer ee dhammaadka qaataha. Calaamadda wax-soo-saarka analoogga ah ee ku taal dhamaadka aqbalaha waxa ay u dhigantaa calaamad 0-10V ah, iyo calaamada potentiometer-ku waxay u dhigantaa 0-5K;
4) Shaqada joogsiga degdega ah
Marka badhanka joogsiga degdega ah la riixo, Dhammaan wax-soo-saarka calaamadda beddelka waa go'an yihiin oo wax-soo-saarka analoogga ayaa go'an; ka dib markii joogsiga degdega ah la sii daayo, Dhammaan calaamadaha beddelka waa la soo celiyay oo wax soo saarkii analoogga waa la soo celiyay; 5 ilbiriqsiyo ka dib markii la damiyo kaantaroolka fog, Dhammaan wax-soo-saarka calaamadda beddelka waa go'an yihiin oo tirada analoogga ayaa weli ah mid aan isbeddelin. Marka rimuutka la shido, soo-saarka signalka beddelka ayaa si toos ah u soo kabanaya;
5)Parameter menu (Isticmaalayaasha waa ka mamnuuc inay wax ka beddelaan si gaar ah)
Qaar ka mid ah hawlaha kontoroolka fog waxaa lagu hagaajin karaa iyada oo loo marayo cabbirada. Marka la soo bandhigay W1=0, riix batoonka K9-B 3 waqtiyo isku xigta, ka dibna riix batoonka K9-A 3 waqtiyo isku xigta si loo galo menu-ka cabbirka; K9-A and K9-B key to page through the menu and select parameters; hold down K1-A, and then press the K9-A/B button to modify parameters;
Exit the parameter menu: choose to save or not save, and then press the K1-A button to confirm the exit;
F1W1 range: The display range value of the W1 knob on the display screen, adjustable from 0 to 9999;
F2W2 range: The display range value of the W2 knob on the display screen, adjustable from 0 to 9999;
F3W3 range: The display range value of the W3 knob on the display screen, adjustable from 0 to 9999;
F4W4 range: The display range value of the W4 knob on the display screen, adjustable from 0 to 9999
F5A1 range: Display ADC1 feedback display range value, 0-5000 adjustable;
F6A2 range: Display ADC2 feedback display range value, 0-5000 adjustable;
Alarm current: Set the alarm value for ADC1 and ADC2 feedback display. When ADC1 and ADC2 exceed this value, the remote control display will alarm; when this value is 0,the alarm function is invalid;

8.Remote control electrical characteristics


9.Remote control size


The final interpretation right of this product belongs only to our company.

Tiknoolajiyadda Wixhc

Waxaan nahay hogaamiye warshadaha CNC, ku takhasusay gudbinta wireless-ka iyo CNC Motion Control wax ka badan 20 sano. Waxaan haynaa daraasiin teknooloji ah, iyo alaabtayada si fiican u iibiyaan in ka badan 40 wadamada aduunka, ururinta codsiyada caadiga ah ee ku dhow 10000 macaamiisha.

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