

What is the business scope of wixhc?

Wixhc is a modern high-tech enterprise integrating R & D, wax soo saarka iyo iibka, focusing on wireless data transmission and CNC Motion Control for more than 20 sano. It is committed to industrial remote control, Qalabka gacanta ee elektaroonigga ah ee birta ah, Kontoroolka fog ee CNC, kaarka kontaroolada mooshinka, nidaamka isku dhafan ee CNC iyo beero kale. We provide our customers with products,

Fallaadhaha Phasellus |2019-12-09T16:33:00+08:00February 28th, 2016||Comments Off Fallaadhaha Phasellus What is the business scope of wixhc?

What are the advantages of wixhc?

Wixhc has been focusing on wireless transmission and CNC Motion Control for more than 20 sano, accumulating typical applications of more than 40 wadamada, in ka badan 150 industries and tens of thousands of customers in the world. Our professional technical ability and experienced R & D team is the most suitable solution and product guarantee

Fallaadhaha Phasellus |2019-12-09T17:04:09+08:00February 27th, 2016||Comments Off Fallaadhaha Phasellus What are the advantages of wixhc?

Tiknoolajiyadda Wixhc

Waxaan nahay hogaamiye warshadaha CNC, ku takhasusay gudbinta wireless-ka iyo CNC Motion Control wax ka badan 20 sano. Waxaan haynaa daraasiin teknooloji ah, iyo alaabtayada si fiican u iibiyaan in ka badan 40 wadamada aduunka, ururinta codsiyada caadiga ah ee ku dhow 10000 macaamiisha.

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