Wixhc technology
integriran CNC sistem
Integrated CNC system is a control system that integrates all CNC system components (digital controller, programmable controller, human-machine interface) into an integrated operation panel installation form. With the unique driving technology independently developed, it can be seamlessly connected with CNC engraving machine, CNC rezkalni stroj, CNC machine tool, CNC machining center and other multi axes.

Wixhc integrated CNC system
Functional features(+6 axis motion / +2000 kHz pulse)
Perfect integration of hardware and software
Wixhc Integrated CNC system features
Support all versions of Mach3 software, NC and other standard G-code processing file format, visualized 3D display processing path, linear interpolation, arc interpolation algorithm S-shaped acceleration, fixed tool floating tool setting, itd. Adopt optocoupler isolation design, stable operation. Equipped with wireless remote control as standard, it is convenient to operate the machine remotely for 40 metrov.
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V 2022, ob začetku novega leta,Wixhc je tudi uvedel veselje ob novoletnih praznikih. Pisarna podjetja
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