Yearly Archives: 2018


Najava o uvedbi pametnega centra za glasovne klice

Spoštovani partnerji: zdravo! Da bi vam zagotovili boljše storitve in vzpostavili dobro podobo blagovne znamke, od decembra 28, 2018, naše podjetje bo v celoti aktiviralo sistem inteligentnih govornih klicnih centrov, in številka stikalne plošče je +86-0028-67877153. Ima profesionalni sistem glasovne navigacije, kar lahko znatno izboljša zmogljivosti za pomoč strankam. Nastavitev več

Avtor: |2020-01-08T16:10:36+08:0026. decembra, 2018|Novice|Komentarji so izklopljeni na Najava o uvedbi pametnega centra za glasovne klice

Težka! Wixhc dosega strateško sodelovanje z ameriškim ArtSoftom (Mach3)!

Težka! Wixhc dosega strateško sodelovanje z ameriškim ArtSoftom (Mach3)! Each step is establishing a new level of wixhc and ushering in an important moment in history. On December 10, 2018, Wixhc and American ArtSoft Corporation (Mach3) joined forces to become a strategic partner of CNC systems. This cooperation promotes both

Avtor: |2020-01-08T16:08:45+08:00December 20th, 2018|Novice|Komentarji so izklopljeni na Težka! Wixhc dosega strateško sodelovanje z ameriškim ArtSoftom (Mach3)!

Dobre novice! Iskrene čestitke Wixhcu za uvrstitev št. 1 v Sečuanu s strani vrstnikov!

Dobre novice! Iskrene čestitke Wixhcu za uvrstitev št. 1 v Sečuanu s strani vrstnikov! Wixhc je visokotehnološko podjetje, ki združuje R & D, proizvodnja in prodaja, s poudarkom na raziskavah brezžičnega prenosa podatkov in nadzora gibanja. We provide customers with core technology high-performance, safe and trusted products, solutions and

Avtor: |2020-01-08T16:09:24+08:00December 20th, 2018|Novice|Komentarji so izklopljeni na Dobre novice! Iskrene čestitke Wixhcu za uvrstitev št. 1 v Sečuanu s strani vrstnikov!

End of the year, the thickest battle-year-end promotional activities have begun!

End of the year, the thickest battle-year-end promotional activities have begun! At the end of the year and at the end of the year, many dealers and users have started preparing for the New Year's goods. Wixhc has been committed to industrial remote control, brezžično elektronsko ročno kolo, numerical control remote

Avtor: |2020-01-08T16:08:02+08:00December 1st, 2018|Novice|Komentarji so izklopljeni na End of the year, the thickest battle-year-end promotional activities have begun!

Warm congratulations to Wixhc Technology for obtaining multiple national patents

Warm congratulations to Wixhc Technology for obtaining multiple national patents Recently, Wixhc Technology has obtained 3 patents from the State Intellectual Property Office. Its patents are: 1. Brezžični elektronski ročni kolo (MACH3 WHB04B), patent number: ZL 2018 3 0482726.2, patent application date: avgusta 29, 2018, authorization announcement date: marec 08, 2019.

Avtor: |2020-01-08T16:10:07+08:00August 19th, 2018|Novice|Komentarji so izklopljeni na Warm congratulations to Wixhc Technology for obtaining multiple national patents

Statement on counterfeiting our products on the market

Statement on counterfeiting our products on the market To Wixhc customers: Thank you for your long-term support for Synthesizer products. Pred kratkim, counterfeit products of our company appeared on the market and were sold in multiple stores. The company's WHB03-L and WHB04-L have been completely discontinued in June 2018 and replaced

Avtor: |2020-01-08T16:11:24+08:00July 13th, 2018|Novice|Komentarji so izklopljeni na Statement on counterfeiting our products on the market

Statement on counterfeiting our products on the market

Statement on counterfeiting our products on the market Wixhc customers: Thank you for your long-term support for Wixhc products. Pred kratkim, counterfeit products of our company appeared on the market and were sold in multiple stores. The company's WHB03-L and WHB04-L have been completely discontinued in June 2018 and replaced by

Avtor: |2020-01-08T16:07:40+08:00July 13th, 2018|Novice|Komentarji so izklopljeni na Statement on counterfeiting our products on the market

Notice about new WHB04B-4 / -6 replacing old WHB04-L

Notice about new WHB04B-4 / -6 replacing old WHB04-L Dear customers: Thank you for your long-term strong support for the Wixhc technology, because the chip supplier stopped production, the old MACH3 wireless electronic handwheel WHB04-L was discontinued. Will be replaced by the new MACH3 wireless electronic handwheel WHB04B-4 / -6,

Avtor: |2020-01-08T16:10:56+08:00May 15th, 2018|Novice|Komentarji so izklopljeni na Notice about new WHB04B-4 / -6 replacing old WHB04-L

Wixhc tehnologija

Smo vodilni v CNC industriji, specializirano za brezžični prenos in CNC nadzor gibanja že več kot 20 let. Imamo na desetine patentiranih tehnologij, in naši izdelki se dobro prodajajo v več kot 40 po vsem svetu, kopičijo tipične aplikacije skoraj 10000 stranke.

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