مضبوط آر & ڊي ٽيم ۽ امير آر & ڊي تجربو – wixhc core synthesis technology has a strong R & ڊي ٽيم. All members of the team have doctorates and master’s degrees, ۽ مالدار آر جمع ڪيا آهن & D and design experience in wireless transmission, CNC Motion Control and other fields. مڪمل-سيلز سروس ۽ ٽيڪنيڪل سپورٽ ٽيم – professional technical engineers receive customer phone and other feedback and timely reply to customers or rush to the customer site to implement solutions for customers.

We respect the personality of team members, attach importance to their different ideas, stimulate the potential of enterprise employees, and truly enable each member to participate in team work, share risks, share interests, هڪ ٻئي سان تعاون ڪريو, and achieve team work goals. We rely on the enterprise concept of “پيشه ور, focused and attentive”, reasonably allocate human, financial and material resources to fully mobilize and stimulate the enthusiasm and creativity of team members, give full play to the wisdom and strength of team members to the extreme, and drive the scale effect of the largest geometric multiplication.