Wixhc is a modern high-tech enterprise integrating R & ڊي, پيداوار ۽ وڪرو, focusing on wireless data transmission and CNC Motion Control for more than 20 سال. It is committed to industrial remote control, وائرليس برقي هٿو ويل, سي اين سي ريموٽ ڪنٽرول, تحرڪ ڪنٽرول ڪارڊ, مربوط CNC نظام ۽ ٻين شعبن.

We provide our customers with products, solutions and services with core technology competitiveness, گھٽ قيمت, اعلي ڪارڪردگي, safety and reliability in the CNC machine tool industry, ڪاٺ جو ڪم ڪرڻ, پٿر, ڌاتو, گلاس ۽ ٻيا پروسيسنگ انڊسٽريز, ماحولياتي ڀائيوارن سان کليل تعاون, continue to create value for customers, release wireless potential, enrich group construction life, and stimulate organizational innovation.