makina 3 dongosolo ndi kompyuta Wireless kufala 40 mita chotchinga-free ntchito yaulere

Kunyumba|dongosolo cnc|makina 3 dongosolo ndi kompyuta Wireless kufala 40 mita chotchinga-free ntchito yaulere

makina 3 dongosolo ndi kompyuta Wireless kufala 40 mita chotchinga-free ntchito yaulere


Opaleshoni System Microsoft Windows 10 Operating System
Mapulogalamu owongolera manambala
Mach3 CNC software
CPU model Intel Z3735F
Hard disk 8G + 20G SSD
Memory 2G
Graphics integrated graphics
The display is 10.0 inches
Port Communication 3 USB 2.0 madoko, one Ethernet port
Input device keyboard + touch mouse + MPG control kiyibodi
Power supply three plug type, 220V
Fourth, the packaging instructions
Mach3 one machine
1 set
Mach3 one machine manual 1 this
Power cord 1 mizu

kuphatikiza kompyuta ndi mach3 mapulogalamu okha

  • Pulogalamu ya MACH3
  • Imathandizira MAX 6-axis
  • Integrated dongosolo



Yoyenera Mach3 machitidwe onse owongolera zoyenda.


Yoyenera Mach3 machitidwe onse owongolera zoyenda.

1.Chiwonetsero chowonekera

2.Mawonekedwe amtundu wa kiyibodi

3.MPG control the keyboard

4.Kusintha kwa gulu la axis,Step band switch ndi mbewa.


3、General Makhalidwe

dongosolo Microsoft Windows 8
Mapulogalamu owongolera manambala Mach3
CPU Zithunzi za Intel Z3735F
Ram 2G
Kadi yamavidiyo Integrated Graphics
Chiwonetsero chowonekera 10.0 inch
Port Communication 3 USB 2.0 madoko, 1 Ethernet port
chipangizo cholowetsa Kiyibodi + touch mouse + MPG control kiyibodi
Mphamvu 220V


S6 Mach3 Motion System 1 set
Pamanja 1 buku
chingwe chamagetsi 1 chidutswa


Makhalidwe Amagetsi

MK4-V MK4-V MK4-V; 5V, 20MK4-V
MK4-V MK4-V + MK4-V
MK4-V 200MK4-V
MK4-V MK4-V:4-MK4-V;MK4-V:6-MK4-V
MK4-V 3.5MK4-V
MK4-V MK4-V 0MK4-V
MK4-V 5V,2MK4-V,MK4-V; 0-100%
MK4-V + MK4-V 5V,15MK4-V
MK4-V MK4-V MK4-V, 5MK4-V
MK4-V 3.5MK4-V
8 MK4-V MK4-V MK4-V :50MK4-V, 25V
MK4-V 3.5MK4-V
16 MK4-V MK4-V MK4-V, 5 MK4-V, MK4-V



Teknoloji ya Wixhc

Ndife mtsogoleri mu makampani a CNC, okhazikika pamagetsi opanda zingwe ndi CNC Motion Control yoposa 20 zaka. Tili ndi matekinoloje ambiri okhala ndi setifiketi, ndipo malonda athu amagulitsa bwino kuposa 40 mayiko padziko lonse lapansi, kudzikundikira ntchito pafupifupi pafupifupi 10000 makasitomala.

Ma Tweets Aposachedwa


Lowani kuti mupeze zatsopano komanso zosintha. Osadandaula, sititumiza sipamu!