Te mutunga o te tau, kua timata nga mahi whakatairanga i te mutunga o te pakanga!
I te mutunga o te tau me te mutunga o te tau, many dealers and users have started preparing for the New Year’s goods. Kua whakapau kaha a Wixhc ki te mana mamao ahumahi, Rorohiko hiko ahokore, mana tau mana mamao, kāri whakahaere motini, integrated numerical control system and other fields. I roto i te ahumahi taputapu miihini CNC, mahinga rakau, kohatu, metara, karaihe me etahi atu ahumahi tukatuka, ka whakaratohia e matou nga kaihoko ki te whakataetae hangarau matua, utu iti, mahi nui, hua haumaru me te pono, rongoā me nga ratonga. We open cooperation with ecological partners and continue to provide Customers create value and unlock wireless potential. Therefore, year-end promotions in 2018 are coming as scheduled!