Yearly Archives: 2022


Gutt Noriicht! Chengdu Wixhc huet d'national Patentautorisatioun gewonnen!

Compete for the high point of intelligence in the industrial field Chengdu Wixhc innovation does not stop During the past ten years of development Wixhc always takes technology first Continuously increase technology research and development efforts Committed to the innovation and progress of industrial products And in the last year of 2022, et wäert zwee kréien

Vun |2022-09-21T15:33:27+08:0021. September, 2022|Neiegkeeten|Comments Off un Gutt Noriicht! Chengdu Wixhc huet d'national Patentautorisatioun gewonnen!

Offiziell Ukënnegung 丨 Chengdu Wixhc Technology Co., Ltd.. geplënnert LIANDO U Dall

An 2022, am Ufank vum neie Joer,Wixhc also ushered in the joy of housewarming.The company's office and production address were officially relocated to Chengdu Medical City Science and Technology Enterprise Port - LIANDO U Valley Industrial Park.The scale has also been expanded on the basis of the original, providing favorable conditions for the

Vun |2022-03-04T14:48:55+08:004. Mäerz, 2022|Neiegkeeten|Comments Off un Offiziell Ukënnegung 丨 Chengdu Wixhc Technology Co., Ltd.. geplënnert LIANDO U Dall

Wixhc Technology

Mir sinn e Leader an der CNC Industrie, spezialiséiert op Kabeltransmission an CNC Motion Control fir méi wéi 20 Joer. Mir hunn Dosende vu patentéierte Technologien, an eis Produkter verkafen gutt a méi wéi 40 Länner ronderëm d'Welt, typesch Uwendungen vu bal sammelen 10000 Clienten.

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