Support 12 custom programming button
Support 2.8-inch screen, display content custom programming
Uti 433MHZ wireless communicationis technologiae, in wireless operandi
procul est 80 metris
Support 12 custom programming button
Support 2.8-inch screen, display content custom programming
Uti 433MHZ wireless communicationis technologiae, in wireless operandi
procul est 80 metris
1.Product Introduction
The programmable CNC remote control PHB06B is suitable for wireless
remota operatio diversarum systematum CNC. It supports users to
customize programming and develop button functions to realize remote
control of various functions on the CNC system; it supports users to
customize programming and develop display content to realize dynamic
display of system status; the remote control comes with a rechargeable
battery and supports Type-C interface charging.
2.Product Features
1. Uti 433MHZ wireless communicationis technologiae, in wireless operandi
procul est 80 metris;
2. Utens automatic munus frequency circumsiliens, 32 ponit wireless remotum
moderatoris possunt esse simul sine se;
3. Support 12 custom programming button;
4. Support 2.8-inch screen, display content custom programming;
5. Support 1 6-speed axis selection switch, which can be custom programmed;
6. Support 1 7-speed magnification switch, which can be custom programmed;
7. Support 1 electronic handwheel, 100 pulses/turn;
8. Support standard Type-C charging; 5V-2A specificationem præcipiens; battery
specification 18650/12580mWh battery.
3.quod operatio commodius
4. Product speciem
5.Product munus introductio
①Power switch:
Control hand wheel to open and close
②Enable buttons on both sides:
The enabling button must be pressed to crank the hand wheel;
③Custom button area
12 buttons arranged in 3X4, user definire programming;
④Axis selection, magnification switch
1 6-position axis selection switch, which can be customized and programmed;
1 7-position ratio switch, which can be customized and programmed
⑤ Emergency stop switch:
Handwheel emergency stop switch;
⑥Display area:
Can display current power, signal, and customized display content;
⑦Electronic hand wheel:
1 electronic handwheel, 100 pulses/turn.
⑧Charging port:
Built-in rechargeable battery, charged using Type-C charger, præcipiens intentione 5V,
current 1A-2A; charging time 7 horis;
6.Product accessiones tabulae
7.Product Installation Guide
1. Insert the USB receiver into the computer, computer mos automatically
recognize and install the USB device driver without manual installation;
2. Remota imperium in inserere in patina. Post altilium plene comminatus est, turn
on the power switch, turn on the remote control, and the display shows normal, which
means the power-on is successful;
3. Post posse on, quis felis operationem praestare potes. The remote control can
support dual button operation at the same time. Cum quis premere puga, a black
square will appear next to the signal on the remote control, indicating that the button
is valid.
8.Operatio mandatum
Antequam productum progressionem et usum, you can use the Demo software we provide to test
the buttons and display of the remote control, or use the Demo as a reference routine for
future programming development;
Ante usura software est Demo, obsecro plug USB recipientis in computatrum, make
sure the remote controller has sufficient power, turn on the power switch, tum uti;
Cum quis felis in remotis imperium premitur, the test software Demo will display the
corresponding key value. Post dimissionem, key valorem ostentationem evanescit, indicating that
the button upload is normal.
9.Product Troubleshooting
10. Tutela et cura
1. Quaeso utere ea in arido environment cum temperatura et pressione normalis ad extend
in servitio vitae;
2. Noli uti acutis objectis tangere clavem aream ad prorogare vitam servitii clavis;
3. Conserva clavis area munda ad redigendum clavis lapsum;
4. Vitare expressi et procidens ad damnum causa in remotis imperium;
5. Si non diu usus est, please remove the battery and store the remote control and
battery in a clean and safe place;
6. Attende humorem probationem in repono et translationem.
11.Salus Information
1. Lege diligenter ante usum instructiones. Non-professionals are prohibited
from operating.
2. Please use the original charger or a charger produced by a regular manufacturer with
the same specifications.
3. Please charge in time to avoid incorrect operation due to insufficient power causing
the remote control to be unresponsive.
4. Nisi interdum sit, placere contactus corporis fabrica. If the damage is caused by
self-repair, fabrica non providere warantiam.