4ê Adarê 2022, 4ê Adarê,Wixhc also ushered in the joy of housewarming.The company’s office and production address were officially relocated to Chengdu Medical City Science and Technology Enterprise Port – Parka Pîşesazî ya LIANDO U Valley. Pîvan jî li ser bingeha orîjînal hate berfireh kirin, providing favorable conditions for the layout and expansion of the company’s domestic and international business in the new year.Let’s take a look at our new environment.

Office Block

Conference Room

Warehouse Area

Production Area

Welcome to negotiate product cooperation!

【Contact Us】

Heke ji we re ji bo pargîdaniya meya nermalavê ji bo piştgiriyê pargîdaniyek pêdivî ye, ji kerema xwe bi rêbazên li jêr bi me re bikevin têkiliyê:


