1.제품 모델

모델: DH01R-4W-26K
적용 가능한 장비:various industrial equipment
2.제품 액세서리 다이어그램

메모: 세 가지 안테나 중 하나를 선택할 수 있습니다.. 흡입 컵 안테나는 기본적으로 표준입니다..
3.Product model description

① DH01R series, if the suffix contains T, it means with emergency stop output;without T, it means without emergency stop output.
②If there is no analog output, there is no need to remark 0W or 0R; the analogquantities W1, W2, W3, and W4 default to 0-10V analog voltage output; at the same time, W1 and W2 can be expanded to 2 isolated digital potentiometer outputs, with a range of 0 -5K ohms, ½ watt; resolution: 20 ohms. The two digital potentials can be used to control the welding current and welding voltage of the welding machine. If the digital potentiometer output is required, user notes are required.
④Analog input, ranging from 1 to 2, indicating that there are 1 to 2 아날로그 입력(maximum 2 채널); when there is an analog input, you need to note the voltage range of the analog input (our receiver defaults to 0 -5V, the user can also note as 4-20 mA or 0-10V, 기타) and the corresponding display range of the analog quantity (for example: display 0-100 volts or 0-1000 amps)
These two analog quantities can be used as displays for welding current and welding voltage.
1)Maximum 26 용접기 자동화 용접 및 용접 작업자. Turn Rolls 1. 주파수 호핑 전송 기술 사용;
2)Maximum 4 아날로그 0-10V 출력 채널 (전시 범위는 주문을 받아서 만들어질 수 있습니다): 지원하다 2 확장된 절연 디지털 전위차계 출력 채널;
3)2 analog inputs; 그리고 리모콘에 표시되는, 전시 범위는 주문을 받아서 만들어질 수 있습니다
4)1 channels of emergency stop relay output normally closed contacts;
5) Powered by 3 AA 배터리, 저전력 소비 설계;
6) Wireless operation distance is 200 미터;
7)Protection grade IP67;
8)With cross switch operation, 2개의 4방향 크로스 스위치 지원;
9)Back strap design.
5.원격 제어 스위치 설명

6.디스플레이 콘텐츠 소개

W1 손잡이 값: W1: 0-1000 (매개변수 조정 가능 0-9999)
W2 손잡이 값: W2: 0-5000 (매개변수 조정 가능 0-9999)
W3 손잡이 값: W3: 0-5000 (매개변수 조정 가능 0-9999)
W4 손잡이 값: W4: 0-5000 (매개변수 조정 가능 0-9999)
ADC1 피드백 디스플레이: 0-1000 (매개변수 조정 가능 0-5000)
ADC2 피드백 디스플레이: 0-1000 (매개변수 조정 가능 0-5000)

낮은 전압: 리모컨 배터리가 너무 부족해요, 배터리를 교체해 주세요.

네트워크가 끊어졌습니다.: 무선 신호가 중단되었습니다.. 수신기의 전원을 확인하십시오., 다시 켜봐, 그리고 리모콘을 다시 시작해 보세요.
7.리모콘 기능 작동 지침
1) 리모콘을 켜세요
수신기의 전원이 켜졌을 때, 수신기 작동 표시기가 깜박입니다.; 리모컨에 AA 배터리 2개를 장착하세요, 전원 스위치를 켜 줘, and the display shows a value,성공적인 시작을 나타내는. The receiver working indicator light becomes solid.
2)Switch and button functions
Any operation of the twist switch and button on the remote control can control the corresponding switch signal output point on the receiver. All switch signal output points on the receiver are normally open signals by default;
3)W1-W4 speed adjustment
Rotate the knobs in W1-W4 arbitrarily to operate the corresponding analog output signal or potentiometer signal at the receiver end. The analog output signal at the receiver end defaults to a 0-10V voltage signal, and the potentiometer signal defaults to 0-5K;
4) Emergency stop function
When the emergency stop button is pressed, all switch signal outputs are disconnected and the analog output is disconnected; after the emergency stop is released, all switch signals are restored and the analog output is restored; 5 seconds after the remote control is turned off, all switch signal outputs are disconnected and the analog quantities remain unchanged. When the remote control is turned on, the switch signal outputs automatically recover;
5)Parameter menu (users are prohibited from modifying it privately)
Some functions of the remote control can be adjusted through parameters. When the display W1=0, press the K9-B button 3 times in a row, and then press the K9-A button 3 times in a row to enter the parameter menu; K9-A and K9-B key to page through the menu and select parameters; hold down K1-A, and then press the K9-A/B button to modify parameters;
매개변수 메뉴 종료: choose to save or not save, and then press the K1-A button to confirm the exit;
F1W1 range: The display range value of the W1 knob on the display screen, adjustable from 0 to 9999;
F2W2 range: The display range value of the W2 knob on the display screen, adjustable from 0 to 9999;
F3W3 range: The display range value of the W3 knob on the display screen, adjustable from 0 to 9999;
F4W4 range: The display range value of the W4 knob on the display screen, adjustable from 0 to 9999
F5A1 range: Display ADC1 feedback display range value, 0-5000 adjustable;
F6A2 range: Display ADC2 feedback display range value, 0-5000 adjustable;
Alarm current: Set the alarm value for ADC1 and ADC2 feedback display. When ADC1 and ADC2 exceed this value, the remote control display will alarm; when this value is 0,the alarm function is invalid;
8.원격 제어 전기적 특성

9.리모콘 크기

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