antarmuka Ethernet 4 kertu pengontrol cnc mach3 sumbu

Omah|kertu kontrol gerakan|antarmuka Ethernet 4 kertu pengontrol cnc mach3 sumbu

antarmuka Ethernet 4 kertu pengontrol cnc mach3 sumbu


Model: MK3-ET 3AXIS



Piranti lunak aplikasi: MACH3

Application Control card application industry :Mesin nglereni CNC.

CNC router.Machining Center.Mechanical arm.Alat produksi otomatis.


1.Kanthi ndhukung kabeh versi Mach3

2.Dhukungan lengkap kanggo USB hot-swappable, kertu Ngawasi status sambungan USB ing sembarang wektu.

3.Ndhukung MAX 6-axis

4.Frekuensi step-pulse maksimal yaiku 2000KHz

5. Indikator status LED bisa migunani kanggo nuduhake sambungan USB, lan makarya stauts dening sumunar.

6.16 input IO + 8 output IO, ndhukung fungsi umpan balik spindle, output prabédan ndhukung. kabeh isolasi IO-port, gangguan,

kinerja stabil

  • Sistem MACH3
  • Ndhukung MAX 6-axis
  • Frekuensi step-pulse maksimal yaiku 2000KHz


Parameter spesifikasi

Electrical Characteristics

Parameter Description
axis output control Drive Current Isolated open collector output; 5V, 20mA
Drive Pulse + direction output
Output frequency 200KHZ
axes MK4:4-sumbu;MK6:6-sumbu
Isolation Voltage 3.5KV
Spindle inverter output Analog voltage output 0——10V
PWM output 5V,2KHZ,Duty; 0-100%
Pulse + direction output 5V,15HZ to 400HZ
Spindle speed input Input Isolated input, 5V pulse signal
Isolation Voltage 3.5KV
8 IO output Drive Current Isolation :50mA, 25V
Isolation Voltage 3.5KV
16 IO input Input Current Isolated inputs, 5 mA, maximum voltage 25V
Isolation Voltage


antarmuka USB Complies with USB2.0 standard

Teknologi Wixhc

Kita minangka pimpinan industri CNC, khusus kanggo transmisi nirkabel lan Kontrol Motion CNC luwih saka 20 taun. Kita duwe puluhan teknologi paten, lan produk kita adol kanthi luwih saka 40 negara ing saindenging jagad, nglumpukake aplikasi khas meh 10000 pelanggan.

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