Company profile
Wixhc company is a modern high-tech enterprise integrating R & D, produksi lan dodolan, fokus ing transmisi data nirkabel lan CNC Motion Control kanggo luwih saka 20 taun, and is committed to industrial remote control, handwheel elektronik nirkabel, Kontrol remot CNC, kertu kontrol gerakan, sistem CNC terintegrasi lan lapangan liyane. We nyedhiyani pelanggan karo produk, solusi lan layanan kanthi daya saing teknologi inti, biaya kurang, kualitas apik, safety lan linuwih ing industri alat mesin CNC, gawe kayu, watu, logam, kaca lan industri pangolahan liyane, kerjasama mbukak karo mitra ekologis, terus nggawe nilai kanggo pelanggan, ngeculake potensial nirkabel, enrich urip construction grup, lan ngrangsang inovasi organisasi.
Products and services
Customer focus – customer service is the cornerstone of core composite business, and customer demand is our source power. We adhere to customer-centric, rapid response to customer needs, and continue to create long-term value for customers and achieve customers. To provide effective service for customers is the direction of our work and the yardstick of value evaluation. To achieve customers is to achieve ourselves. Market oriented – where there is CNC motion control, there are services and products of wixhc core synthesis technology. Guided by the market, we have accumulated the typical applications of more than 40 negara, luwih saka 150 industri lan puluhan ewu pelanggan ing saindenging jagad. We provide products, solusi lan layanan kanthi daya saing teknologi inti, biaya kurang, kualitas apik, safety and reliability, kerjasama mbukak karo mitra ekologis, and continue to create value for customers.
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