Monthly Archives: július 2018


Statement on counterfeiting our products on the market

Statement on counterfeiting our products on the market To Wixhc customers: Thank you for your long-term support for Synthesizer products. Nemrég, counterfeit products of our company appeared on the market and were sold in multiple stores. The company's WHB03-L and WHB04-L have been completely discontinued in June 2018 and replaced

Által |2020-01-08T16:11:24+08:00July 13th, 2018|hírek|Megjegyzések kikapcsolva tovább Statement on counterfeiting our products on the market

Statement on counterfeiting our products on the market

Statement on counterfeiting our products on the market Wixhc customers: Thank you for your long-term support for Wixhc products. Nemrég, counterfeit products of our company appeared on the market and were sold in multiple stores. The company's WHB03-L and WHB04-L have been completely discontinued in June 2018 and replaced by

Által |2020-01-08T16:07:40+08:00July 13th, 2018|hírek|Megjegyzések kikapcsolva tovább Statement on counterfeiting our products on the market

Wixhc Technology

Vezetünk a CNC-iparban, Több mint 300 vezeték nélküli továbbításra és a CNC mozgásvezérlésre szakosodott 20 évek. Több tucat szabadalmaztatott technológiánk van, és termékeink jóval többet eladnak 40 országok szerte a világon, tipikus alkalmazások felhalmozása majdnem 10000 ügyfelek.

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