

What is the business scope of wixhc?

Wixhc is a modern high-tech enterprise integrating R & D, samarwa da tallace-tallace, focusing on wireless data transmission and CNC Motion Control for more than 20 shekaru. It is committed to industrial remote control, mara waya ta lantarki, CNC iko mai nisa, Katin sarrafa motsi, hade da tsarin CNC da sauran filayen. We provide our customers with products,

Daga |2019-12-09T16:33:00+08:00February 28th, 2016||Comments Off kan What is the business scope of wixhc?

What are the advantages of wixhc?

Wixhc has been focusing on wireless transmission and CNC Motion Control for more than 20 shekaru, accumulating typical applications of more than 40 kasashe, fiye da 150 industries and tens of thousands of customers in the world. Our professional technical ability and experienced R & D team is the most suitable solution and product guarantee

Daga |2019-12-09T17:04:09+08:00February 27th, 2016||Comments Off kan What are the advantages of wixhc?

Wixhc Fasaha

Muna jagora a cikin masana'antar CNC, ƙwarewa game da watsa mara waya da Ikon motsi na CNC fiye da 20 shekaru. Muna da ɗimbin ilimin fasahar mallaka, kuma samfuranmu suna sayar da kyau a cikin fiye da 40 kasashe a duniya, tara kwastomomi na yau da kullun na kusan 10000 abokan ciniki.

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Labaran Duniya

Yi rajista don samun sabon labarai da sabunta bayanai. Karka damu, ba za mu aiko da wasikun banza ba!