Inneal sàbhaidh uèir crawler smachd iomallach gun uèir fèin-ghluasadach DH12S-LD

Dachaigh|smachd iomallach gnìomhachais|Inneal sàbhaidh uèir crawler smachd iomallach gun uèir fèin-ghluasadach DH12S-LD

Inneal sàbhaidh uèir crawler smachd iomallach gun uèir fèin-ghluasadach DH12S-LD

Iarrtas:Air a chleachdadh gu sònraichte airson inneal sàbhaidh uèir crawler

1.A 'toirt taic do mhodh gearraidh fèin-ghluasadach, ag atharrachadh astar coiseachd a’ motair bhig gu fèin-ghluasadach a rèir sruth motair mòr, agus a’ coileanadh smachd gearraidh fèin-ghluasadach.

2.Tha astar tar-chuir gun bhacadh 200 meatairean.

3. A’ toirt taic do riaghladh astar dùbailte airson motaran mòra agus motaran beaga.

4. Cuir taic ri tionndadh motair beag na àite.

5. A’ toirt taic do cheartachadh sreathach motair beag clì is deas.

  • Dealbhadh caitheamh cumhachd ìosal
  • Furasta a chleachdadh


Product model

Modail: DH12S-LD

Applicable equipment:crawler wire saw machine

Product accessories diagram

Thoir an aire: You can choose one of the three antennas. The suction cup antenna is standard by default.

Tuairisgeul suidse smachd iomallach

Displaycontent introduction

Large motor speedS1:0-50
Small motor speed: S2: 0-50
Maximumspeedlimitofautomatic cuttingsmallmotor:F:0-30(parametersadjustable)
Automatic cutting maximum current: Ic: 0-35 (parameters adjustable)
Linear correction value: Df: -99-99 (1 unit is about 0.02V)

Low voltage: The remote control battery is too low, please replace the battery.

Network dropped: The wireless signal is interrupted. Please check the power of the receiver, power it on again, and restart the remote control.

Remote control function operation instructions

1.Turn on the remote control

When the is powered on, the RF-LED light on the receiver starts to flash;install two AA batteries in threceiver e remote control, turn on the power switch, andthe display will show the motor speed, indicating successful startup.

2.Large motor and speed regulation

Turn theforward/reverseswitch to forward, the receiver’s large motor will turn on, and the display will show forward

Turn theforward/reverseswitch to reverse, the large motor of the receiver will turn on in reverse, and the display will show reverse

Rotate thelarge motor speed adjustmentknob to adjust the receiver’s large motor speed adjustment output voltage 0-10V;

3.Small motor and speed regulation

Move theforward/reverseswitch to forward, the left wheel forward and right wheel forward of the receiver are turned on, and the display shows forward

Turn theForward/Reverseswitch to reverse, the left wheel reverse and right wheel reverse of the receiver are turned on, and the display shows reverse

4.Turn left and right

Turn theLeft/Rightswitch to left, the receiver’s right wheel will forward and turn on,and the display will show left

Turn theturn left/rightswitch to turn right, the left wheel of the receiver will forward and turn on, and the display will show turn right

5.Turn in place

In manual mode:
Turn left in place: Press and hold theEnablebutton, turn theLeft/Right Turnswitch to left, the left wheel backward and right wheel forward of the receiver are turned on,and start turning left in place;

Turn right in place: Press and hold theEnablebutton, turn theLeft/Right Turnswitch to right, the left wheel forward and right wheel reverse of the receiver are turned on, and the receiver starts to turn right in place;

6.Small motor speed limit adjustment

In automatic mode: press and hold theEnablebutton and rotate theSmall Motor Speed Adjustmentto adjust the maximum speed of the small motor during automatic cutting;

7.Automatic cutting

The first step is to start the big motor; the second step is to switch the mode switch toAuto”; the third step is to start the small motor and the screen will displayCutting Auto”,indicating that it has entered the automatic cutting mode;

8. Straight line correction

When the left and right walking motors are moving forward and backward, the left and right speeds are inconsistent, and the straight-line walking deviates. You can use the linear correction function of the remote control to fine-tune the speed of the left and right wheels;
Correction principle: Through the correction function, the speed of the left wheel is fine-tuned to reach the same speed as the right wheel, so as to synchronize the speed of the left and right wheels and eliminate the deviation;
Deviation correction operation method: In manual mode, press and hold theEnablebutton and rotate theSmall Motor Speed Regulation”;
Rotate clockwise to increase the left wheel speed voltage and the correction value on the display screen will increase;
Rotate counterclockwise to reduce the left wheel speed voltage and the display correction value to decrease;
Correction range: Correction value -90 gu 90; correction voltage of one correction unit is about 0.02V;

9. Parameter menu (users are prohibited from modifying it without permission)

Faodar cuid de ghnìomhan an smachd iomallach atharrachadh tro pharaimearan. In manual mode, when the small motor speed S2 is 10, push the forward/reverse switch up three times in a row, and then push it down three times in a row to enter the parameter menu;
Leig às a 'chlàr paramadair: tagh sàbhaladh no gun a shàbhaladh, then press the enable button to confirm the exit;
Maximum current: the operating rated current of the cutting motor is 80% of this currentt;
Speed control parameters: automatic cutting control parameters, default 800, modification is prohibited;
Deceleration parameter: automatic cutting control parameter. When the cutting current change value exceeds this value,deceleration begins.
Acceleration a1: automatic cutting control parameter, when the cutting current is lower than the set cutting current, the speed of acceleration;
Deceleration a2: automatic cutting control parameter, when the cutting current is higher than the set
cutting current, the speed of deceleration;
Automatic knife retraction: invalid;
Start self-locking: 0, no self-locking; 1, self-locking. Press the enable key + forward and reverse to take effect and self-lock.
Maximum walking: the maximum speed of the small motor.
Cutting current: set the maximum current of the main motor for automatic cutting. If the feedback current exceeds this value, it will start to decelerate.
Default speed limit: the default maximum speed of automatic cutting speed when turning on the machine.
Automatic mode: 0, the automatic switch is automatically controlled; 1, the automatic switch controls the automatic IO output point.
Speed limit offset: the maximum speed of the small motor during automatic cutting.
Maximum host: maximum speed of large motor.

Feartan dealain smachd iomallach

Meud smachd iomallach

Buinidh còir mìneachaidh deireannach an toraidh seo don chompanaidh againn a-mhàin.

Paramadair sònrachaidh

Teicneòlas Wixhc

Tha sinn na stiùiriche ann an gnìomhachas CNC, a ’speisealachadh ann an sgaoileadh gun uèir agus Smachd Gluasad CNC airson barrachd air 20 bliadhna. Tha dusanan de theicneòlasan peutant againn, agus tha na toraidhean againn a ’reic gu math ann am barrachd air 40 dùthchannan air feadh an t-saoghail, a ’cruinneachadh thagraidhean àbhaisteach de cha mhòr 10000 luchd-ceannach.

Tweets o chionn ghoirid


Clàraich airson na naidheachdan as ùire fhaighinn agus fiosrachadh ùrachadh. Na gabh dragh, cha chuir sinn spama!