

How long is the warranty period of core synthetic technology products?

From the date of purchase of core synthetic products, you can enjoy 1-year after-sales service of quality assurance, but you need to follow the following principles: 1. Be able to show our valid warranty card. 2. The product is not disassembled, repaired or refitted by itself, and the QC mark is intact. 3. When the

Le bhith |2019-12-09T16:17:02+08:00February 28th, 2016||Comments Off air adhart How long is the warranty period of core synthetic technology products?

Is after-sales service available on weekends and holidays?

Thoir seachad 7 * 24-hour professional services. Seirbheis iar-reic foirfe agus sgioba taic theicnigeach - professional technical engineers receive customer phone and other feedback and timely reply to customers or rush to the customer site to implement solutions for customers.

Le bhith |2019-12-09T16:58:06+08:00February 28th, 2016||Comments Off air adhart Is after-sales service available on weekends and holidays?

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