A chom-pàirtichean:
Gus seirbheisean nas fheàrr a thoirt dhut agus deagh ìomhaigh branda corporra a stèidheachadh, bhon Dùbhlachd 28, 2018, cuiridh an companaidh againn an gnìomh gu h-iomlan an siostam ionad gairm guth tùrail, agus tha àireamh an suids-chlàr +86-0028-67877153. Tha siostam seòlaidh guth proifeasanta aige, a dh ’fhaodadh leasachadh mòr a thoirt air comasan seirbheis luchd-cleachdaidh. Setting multiple answering strategies can cover different customer service scenarios.

Wixhc Technology is a high-tech enterprise integrating R & D., cinneasachadh agus reic, focusing on wireless data transmission and motion control research, dedicated to industrial remote control, cuibhle-làimhe dealanach gun uèir, numerical control remote control, cairt smachd gluasad, integrated numerical control system, msaa. field. In the CNC machine tool industry, obair-fiodha, chlach, meatailt, glainne agus gnìomhachasan giullachd eile, we provide customers with core technical competitiveness, low cost, high performance, safe and reliable products, solutions and services. We open cooperation with ecological partners and continue to provide Customers create value and unlock wireless potentia

Anns 2019, we will, as always, provide you with better and more considerate services!