2016 Dongguan Nazioarteko Moldeen Metal Prozesatzeko XVIII, Plastikoen eta Enbalajeen Erakusketa

Hosted by Paper Communication Exhibition Company, 2016 Guangdong International Robot and Intelligent Equipment Expo, 18DMP Dongguan Nazioarteko Moldea, Metalen Prozesamendua, Plastiko eta Enbalaje Erakusketa, Azaroak 29-abenduak 2, 2016 Houjie-n, Dongguan, China Guangdong Modern International Exhibition Center was held!

Our company’s exhibitors took the company’s latest generation of motion control card `the latest industrial wireless electronic handwheel and other products to participate in the exhibition. Demonstrate the latest products to manufacturers and customers participating in the exhibition, promote wireless technology concepts, and promote the use of wireless technology in industry